Happy Fathers Day Daddy! Thanks for everything that you do! I love you with all my heart! You have always made me PROUD to call you my father. I have lots of jealous friends who wish their parents were as cool as mine ;) Thanks for never whooping me when you were supposed to and giving me money even though you didn't have it. I'll never forget your thoughtfulness and love! Your a wonderful father and a wonderful Papa to Kelson! Happy Father's Day Daddy!
Love your baby girl!

Happy Father's Day Daddy (Jason)! Thank you for helping mommy take care of me and always being there! I know I'm only 10 months old, but I KNOW that you are going to be the best daddy out there! Sorry that I've peed and pooped on you, but hey I'm a baby. Thanks for the songs you sing to me, picking me up when I'm crying, and giving me big kisses and hugs. I love you so much daddy!
Love your baby girl!
PS- Mommy says your the best too!
That's so sweet! You hit it right on the head with our Daddy! :)
They both "run rings around them other daddies" to quote a very wise man :) Love you all, Grammy
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