Kelson went to her first bday party. Her cousin- Elliot, Louise and Chris's grandson turned 3 years old. They had party hats, balloons, cake, pizza, and presents- all the things a 3 year old would love. Elliot was SOOO excited when I arrived, cause I was running late- working out :)- so when I arrived he was allowed to open presents, so right when mom and I walked in he screamed- "Aunt Kelly is here- PRESENTS!!". It was soooo cute. He was so ancy & ready to bust open the presents. I watched him open his presents and all the clothes- he just threw over to the side- so funny and typical. Since his mom and memere would say- this is from so and so- he would open it, look at it, and try to hand it back to the person who gave it to him. It was hilarious. They would say- No its for you- for your bday. He was like Oh ok- and then start on the next thing. He got a ball and bat from someone and Kelson was playing with. She was a natural and born to be an athlete. Jason and I got Elliot a few cars from the movie "Cars"- I've never seen a more INTO cars like this little boy. He carries his cars with him EVERYWHERE. Its so cute. Kelson bought him a big ole gravedigger truck. He loved all of his presents. I kept jokingly saying that it was sweet of them to decorate early for my bday. His bday was the 7th of March.
Around 8:30 (Kelson's bedtime) she started getting cranky and ready to leave. Nanny and I were playing on the piano, so I asked she come see me and let her bang on the piano- she LOVES it and she even placed her fingers out individually to play each note. It was adorable. She stopped being fussy too. Her Aunt Nin has taken some lessons, so I'm hoping the days she babysits she will work with Kelson on it. Kelson's Aunt Deena also plays, but isn't local, but maybe on visits she can teach her too. There are some pics in the slideshow link below.
I'm soooo anxious for Kelson to start talking cause that leads to SINGING. I'm so excited about the months to come.
Pics from the bday party!
Elliot's 3rd Bday Party
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