Kelson was Tinkerbell- and boy did she ever play the part. It was heck getting her dressed, putting the glitter and eye makeup on her--- she was being a little whiny "tinkerbell" ;) once we got the outfit together then she was fine. She saw Tink Tink on her costume so she was excited. She looked soooo adorable. I couldn't find the perfect shoes, so I bought some sparkly green bows from Party City and pinned them on her tennis shoes. Since we are all huge Peter Pan fans, Jason and I decided to dress up with her. I found a blue dress at the thrift store for $2.00 and bought some ribbon for my sash and hair bow, then got some black slippers from Wal-mart- all in all I only spent $15 on my costume- not bad. Jason was John, he made his hat from poster board, borrowed my dad's PJ shirt, and wore his Clark Kent glasses. He was a perfect John :) We put a cute bonnett on EERS and he was Nana. Our family picture turned out SOOOOO cute. I'm so happy that we decided to dress up with Kelson. BTW- I had Kelson's wings on upside down for a few pics, before Jason realized it :) OOPS.
Kelson and I didn't get a chance to carve our pumpkins this year :( But Jason did so that's good that we got one done. We even bought them a few weeks before Halloween.

We went to Aunt Weeza's and Chris's house to trick or treating (Kelson's first time) She LOVED it. She went door to door with Elliott (who was an adorable Thomas the Train) and they both got lots of candy. People were commenting on how cute they looked. We went to 10+ houses and then it was getting cold so we decided to quit. Aunt Jeannette made some DELISHISH food and we had some appetizers and taco soup for dinner. All in all it was a great Halloween!!!! We've decided that Aunt Weeza will take care of having the Halloween get together each year :)
Halloween Pictures
1 comment:
Sounds like you all had a great true first Halloween as a family with Kelson being able to trick or treat. The pics are adorable are usuale. They'll fill her albums nicely :) You and 'J' looked great as well. I didn't know you two could be so thrifty on your costumes! Great job.
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