I just wish that she could remember this time right now, but I know she won't. But what is cool is that she will read this when she gets older and re-live it. Jason and I will ALWAYS remember everything about her so that in itself is cherishable. I've learned to be more patient- although its still hard sometimes- but she has taught me so much too as a mom. I LOVE LOVE LOVE going to her gymnasitics class with her- she loves to interact with other kids. She is so much fun to see first thing in the morning and its the sweetest sight to see her fall asleep at bedtime. Kelson has changed my life forever and I thank God everyday for her health and happiness. She has sooo many people in her lives that love her and take such good care of her when she's around. I'm happy to discovered two new languages (signing and french) because of her and I know the things I will learn are just beginning for the both of us.
27 Signs to date: milk, light, fish, more, tree, book, water, bathtime, please, thank you, love you, puppy, fan, so smart, touchdown, music, all done, bedtime, yummy, hot, sheep face, bye, hi, elephant, food, fan, and bird
19 Words to date: Ming Ming, Linny, Mama, Dada, Memere, Papa, Grammy (almost got it), bubble, cookie, tink tink, hi, what's that, whose that, up, down, go, kitty cat, & quack quack, meow
Kelson LOVES:
to have a book read to her
go to sleep with a nightlight, pacifier, and music
to give her baby doll/stuffed animal hugs
to give kisses
play with other kids
feed herself
yogurt melts, baby cheetos, honey smacks, and ice cream
brush her teeth (she still only has 8)
Wonder Pets
Mickey Mouse and the other characters
Tink Tink
to sing
her family
pool time
gymnastics class
getting dressed up - well I think so anyways ;)
being scared
to suck up noodles
to watch her daddy perform on stage
signing for everyone
Elmo and cookie monster
play with her belly button
to moan "mmmm" when she eats something good
her puppy Eers
to play in Eers's dog food and give him a cookie treat
to sip from a straw- she started doing that at 13 months
Happy Birthday Kelson! We love you and can't wait to celebrate this week at Disney on Ice!! What fun!!
I miss little Kelson so much! Give her a big hug and kiss for me!
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