Happy Birthday Mom/Grammy!!! Its still so hard to believe that my parents are already in their 60's- mainly because they look and act like young whipper snappers ;) Kelson and I are planning on going to go eat with mom and dad for dinner tonight then coming back to my house for some C&P&M (cake, presents, and a movie). Jason's out of town :(, so he isn't able to join. We are really excited about having some one-on-one time with her for the night. Happy Birthday Grammy/Mom we are looking forward to our fun night!!!! Love you... Hope you have a great birthday- you deserve it!!!
Mom's been busting her butt getting her house UPDATED, so I can't wait to see the progress!!
Happy Birthday Momma K. Your loved dearly.
Happy Birthday to the best Mommy ever! :D Of course, once Kelly & I get going you may have some competition, but that's only because you taught us so well! :)
Thanks, I had a wonderful birthday. My sweet hubby (actually the balloon he got me was signed "from your wonderful husband") got me a spa gift certificate :) Got to chat with both my 'baby boy' and Keri - Belle sang a beautiful and complete "Happy Birthday" to me - Corgan gave her moral support, I'm sure! Kelly and Kelson joined us for dinner and it was great having them all to ourselves to enjoy - she's always so busy we don't get to do that often! It was wonderful.. then back to her house for ice cream cake (Girl Scout Mint Cookie - blizzard cake !!!) yummmm!!!! Played with Kelson - papa got to dance her to sleep and then we watched a movie.. all in all it was a perfect day! Thank you my wonderful family, I love you all so very, very much! I am Blessed! Thank You God!!
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