I just wanted to have a way to keep track of all of Kelson's signs that she knows now. She has already picked up a few more over the last week. I guess she knows her FIRST bday is coming up :) Jason grabbed the video camera lastnight and we got her doing most of these on tape- its hard to remember a lot of them, but she didn't miss a lick!
2)Light (her fav one)
7)Merci (thank you)
8)So smart
9)So big
12)Water (sorta)
Other cool things she does at 11 months old: holds up "1" when you ask her how old she is gonna be next month (got her to do it :)--- YEA!, pats herself when you ask her where our pretty girl is, gives kisses when asked for them in french, dances when you tell her to in french, shakes her head no when she doesn't want anymore- she is very adamant about this (haha), points at EVERYTHING, loves to look at pictures, roars when you show her a lion, can squeal a VERY high note (I call it the Mariah Carey note), does her own indian chant, loves Casa Blanca rice and chicken, is not a picky eater, loves to watch Wonder Pets, Dora, Little Bill, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and says: dada, mama (at times), and uh oh. She throws stuff down so she can say uh oh, crawls on her own, smiles in the morning when you get her up, laughs really hard when you do something stupid/funny or scare her, opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue when you ask if she has anything in her mouth, loves her bathtime/pooltime, recognizes Mickey Mouse, likes books, and loves to do "little teapot" and "itsy bitsy spider" and the "months macarena song", sleeps with a humidifier on and Disney music. HAS TONS OF CLOTHES!!!! I know there is more, but I'll cover them in a future blog :)
1 comment:
Kelson is so much fun to watch! She just seems to be taking in everything and regurgitating so much of it too! What a smartie (just like her Aunt Keri... haha... I guess you have the highest level of degree in the family; huh?)!
I miss you all already!
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