Another week gone- hope everyone had a wonderful and safe 4th of July!!! Now its time to get back on track. You have a few more weeks to still make a difference. I know its been hard to get back into it, but we have to push eachother!!!! So weigh in and let's work towards that SUMMER TIME body!!!!
Well happily I only gained 1 lb this week. I thought it would have been more, so needless to say I'm ok with that!! :) All that walking at Disney helped I'm sure. I really didn't eat that bad until the end of the trip. Hope everyone had a great 4th. I'm ready to get my SUMMER body!!! No excuses!!
Well I am happy to announce that I lost another pound so totally, I have lost 2 lbs. Don't laugh, I have lost two pounds of butter as weigh watchers would say. I just finished my speech class and back to working out. I have signed up for a spinning class tonight. Tomorrow I am having a tooth pulled so that should keep me from eating. Looking to do better in July.
Well I lost 1lb this week, but sadly I gained 1% of body fat. I need to self motivate, but I hope to get back on track!!
CRAP - I gained a pound, but I did loose a little body fat (all that walking I did at Disney) - should not complain I guess since I was on vacation for a week. Well at least we have until the end of the month of get back to watching what we eat...........
I have lost 5 lbs in the last two weeks!! Things are going pretty well! I am glad that we are going to go until the end of the month!
well I didn't blog last week - sorry. We were already on the road to VA. Over the two weeks, I am up 1 pound. Not too bad considering I was on vacation eating mode....not to mention the yummy blueberry cobbler at Bunco. Back on track this week with walking, working out and tracking my eating. We're nearing the final weigh in and I'm down 5.2 lbs.
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