Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yo' Government- Where be our check? hahaha!

I've been getting concerned since our rebate check from the gov hasn't come in yet. Jason and I are DIRECT DEPOSIT people and the last digits of our ss#'s are really low, so I would have thought we would have gotten it by now, but no such luck. We had to pay this year, but I know several people that have and still got their money already. I'm always good about paying on time. With that money- I'm planning on paying off bills or saving for our Europe trip next year, I still like to know status on where our money is!? Has anyone else been waiting on their check that thinks they should have already gotten it?

Frustrated US citizen (hehe)

1 comment:

Missy said...

Hey Kelly this is Missy... we received an email from Turbo Tax the other day and it said that if we had selected to have our tax preparation fees deducted from our tax return then our rebate check will come in the mail, even tho we had direct deposited our refund. We should have gotten our rebate check last week according to our ss#'s but now the check is supposed to be sent in mid July! UGGHHHHHH!! Guess better late than never?!