Well I did the body attack class again last night- by myself ;)- and boy am I freaking sore. This time its my freaking Achilles tendon- weird huh? I think I pulled it somehow. I was trying to use more calf muscles since my arches really hurt when I exercise. I'm gonna buy some insoles and a calorie ticker watch (like Stacey's). I was sweating like a beast after the class and my face was SOOO red. I felt REALLY good to complete the class! I think tonight/today i'm just gonna do the elliptical- to give my arches, heel, and calves a rest ;) I really encourage all those gym Nazis out there to try out a few classes instead of just hitting the machines. It makes an hour go by so much quicker!
Cute picture of Kelson and her cousins in Florida!

Updates with Kelson- she is doing really well. Has been a real angel these past few weeks. No problems with her at all! I busted out the glow worm- found it in her toy box- and now I can just turn it on and let her play with it until she falls asleep in her bed- on her own. What a good girl. Kelson updates: (I think some of these are repeaters) When you say so big- she holds both arms up, Asking her (in french) where's our pretty girl is - and she points to herself, LOVES fruits, starting to sign fan- she understands what fan means- I'll ask her and she looks up at one- same with a light. She still says Dada, nana, and lala- no Mama yet, but I have a feeling it will be soon. She hasn't crawled or walked yet- she does this air swimming move- its cute. when we turn on The Wonder Pets show she claps. You tell her Danse (french for dance) and she starts moving around to the music, she moves her hand up and down on her mouth- like an Indian chant, no more teeth yet, she has her own set of pearl earrings in, when you hand her the Lilo and Stitch cell phone she holds it up to her ear, she spits (sometimes) when you are feeding her- its hilarious! She's trying to teach Aunt Theana how to blow/spit cause she can't do it. haha, she loves to look at herself in the mirror, likes to be read to, LOVES the beach and playground, loves bath time, smiles/laughs when Eers runs around in the house or in the yard, sleeps through the night (wakes up around 7:30am- pretty consistent), in a great mood after waking up, weighs around 16lbs - our guess- (not sure of her length) and last but not least-fights to fall asleep when being held (I think she's afraid she will miss something).
Her nicknames are: Minkey, boo boo, baby girl, daddy's/momma's girl, belle fille, and angel from above(that's what nanny calls her)
The other day Jason and I were showing Kelson off to some ladies at the dr office and I asked her where momma's pretty girl was and we all were listening and she let out a huge burp- it was hilarious- I was like- that's my girl- haha!
Btw.. here is the link to some pics from the cousins in FL! What a great time!
Pics of cousins in FL
16 lbs? You might wanna check that... Corgan is nearly 21 lbs and he's not much bigger than she is! ;)
Also, Kelson is so freakin' cute! I miss you guys already!
What a beautiful picture of my 3 awesome Grandbabies! Such happy faces :) We are blessed!!!
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