I was straightening and sorting out Kelson's clothes when I ran across some of her summer bathing suits and a penguin suit that Aunt Keri had bought for her months ago. So Jason and I decided to play dress up with her. She has three different bathing suits- no not spoiled at all- hehe. One from the Annabelle collection, one that Aunt Jeannette bought her, and one that we got her. Yesterday I found another one too that I someone else had bought her at one of my showers. Jason put the penguin suit on Kelson while I was putting away clothes and they peeked in with that outfit on and my heart just jumped cause she looked soooo adorable and was smiling! We went over to show Nanny and she couldn't believe it either.
Anyways, take a peek at the MODELING world of Kelson. Its so freaking cute!
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Things about Kelson: Signs "more" VERY WELL, "fan" (when she wants to), pats herself for "i'm here" when Memere asks where her pretty girl is, holds both hands up when someone says SO BIG (grammy did that one), grunts at people, HIGH PITCH squealing when she gets excited, says Nana, Dada, and Lala.. no Mama yet:(, has two bottom teeth, goes to bed around the same time (8:30pm ish) in her own bed, loves ALL foods, loves her cheetos, drinks water very well, holds her own sippy cup, still cherishes her pacifier "pap pap" and puts it in her mouth herself. Loves to go to sleep to Olivia Newton John (thanks Papa), LOVES to watch Wonder Pets, still loves to bounce in her jumperoo, starting to wave hi and goodbye, will go to anyone (still shy around the boys though), doesn't mind to dress up (obviously), loves to play with EERS and gets excited if he runs though the house, loves to play with the remote control, loves bath time, and is so much fun!
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