Lately Kelson has been doing this "cheesy" face. She will all of the sudden just throw out a HUGE grin- its hilarious. She loves to do it while she's eating. She is so much fun right now. So much going on. She is really starting to learn her sounds- she now says lots of dada, nana, lala, but still no mama :( I've been working with her on blowing kisses (some days she does it- when she's in the mood) hehe! She is doing the "more" sign (again- when she's in the mood). She looks at the lights when I ask her where the light is and then I do the sign and move it slowly to her face- she likes that. Also she's been pointing the fan and moving her hand around (almost like the sign for fan). Let's see what else- she waves occasionally. She has two bottom teeth. No sign of anything else yet. Goes to sleep around 8:30pm and wakes up around 7:30am- this is pretty consistent. She still LOVES her bouncy. I bet that Kelson will be walking before crawling. We put her down on the ground but all she really does it roll around. I'm in no rush for her to walk- that's just harder on me to keep an eye on her. I love to cuddle with Kelson and get big hugs from her. She doesn't mind giving them either :) She does like to "baby" talk a lot. Its so cute. She loves EERS and tries to give him all her treats. Eers has been a little more jealous lately and wanting attention, so when I took Kelson to Grammy's yesterday I let him come along. I think he really liked that. I do try to show him attention and love on him, but it gets hard :) He's been following me around lately.
Jason's been out of town since Sat morning. He is in Tx playing in a softball tourn that his manager (at the label) puts on each year. He said that they are in the #1 spot right now (have only lost one game). Mike and Charles is out there too. I don't get to talk to him much, cause he's really in the country and there is no signal. It sucks cause I'm used to talking/texting him a few times a day.
More pics of Kelson
1 comment:
She is just so freakin' cute! I can't wait to get my hands on her and get some of those kisses!!!
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