Kelson is so freaking smart. We have been doing patty cake with her for a few months now and now she is doing it all on her own, even the pick pick part (Canadian french version). Its so cute. Lucy (aka Memere) has been teaching her something for the last few days and she just started doing it yesterday. She says- De vous la belle fille a Memere? (Where is Grandma's pretty girl?) and now Kelson points to herself and Memere says Oui, ici ici ici- which means yes- here, here, here- I'm going to try and capture it on video. Its so cute! Everyone was amazed. She picks up things so quick. I'm trying to learn French along with Kelson so come next year when I'm in Europe I can talk some french. She is doing the sign "more" by bringing her hands together and sorta clapping. She's really so much fun! Like a sponge. Picking up all kinds of things. She has two teeth now, she knows who her family is, she still says Dada and Lala- nothing more yet. She loves to be on her stomach and tries to crawl, but I think she'll be walking before too long. Esp since she's been building up her leg muscles by using her jumperoo for months.
New pics
I went and saw Jack Thomas White (7 lbs/ 19 1/2 inches long). I couldn't believe how small he was. He is soooo adorable. I just couldn't imagine that Kelson was that small, but I know it wasn't long ago. He slept the whole time. He was pooping, so I went in to help change the diaper- what a difference. I didn't mind- Michele is still getting used it to. She seems to be handling motherhood great and is in good health as well. So happy for them!
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