We woke up to a BEAUTIFUL Easter Saturday! Since everyone (family) had things going on Sunday and there was a chance of rain, we celebrated the holiday a day earlier. We started with some good music- courtesy of DJ Bob- and we all enjoyed my hammock for a while. Kelson stayed with Aunt Nin the night before- we partied at Ruggby's- so she was bringing her over around noon and we were all ancy to have her back with us. It was hilarious. It was like we didn't know what to do without her :) So anyways, the ladies fixed YUMMY appetizers and we nibbled on those for a few hours before dinner. We played a Slap Nuts tournament- Daddy and Mommy ended up winning two games and were the champions. Way to go- esp since mom had never played. I was on a team with Aline and even though she was new to the game, she did great too. Slap Nuts is so much fun and harder than it looks. From the pics you can prob understand it. Each team gets three ropes- which the ropes have golf balls tied to the ends of each side. The point of the game is to try to swing the ropes around the three tiered poles. Top level is 1 pt, middle level is 2 pts, bottom is 3 pts. Depending on what you want you can play to either 15 or 21. Its so much fun. Rob and Jason made the one we have.

While we were having festivies, Kelson and I decided to color eggs. We had so much fun doing this- she got OVER IT rather quickly, but we had a fun time while it lasted. She was trying to overturn the bowls of color, but I managed to keep her back enough. We colored about 2 doz eggs. Elliot- Louise's grandson would have partaked, but he was out of town with his mommy. coloring eggs was so much fun and really brought me back to when I was a little kid. We LOVED to color eggs. Now they have so many options too. Tattoos for your eggs, bright colors, stickers, etc.. I hope that tradition never dies!!! Louise and Mom wrote everyone's name on an egg and hid them while we played more games. So we had an adult easter egg hunt- we had to find our own egg and the surprise was: NO WASHING DISHES for dinner. Well Macie- Heather- our neighbor's little girl- found Kelson's right away for me. Then it took me a few min, but I found mine. They did some GREAT hiding, cause Bob never found his until I hinted where it was. It was fun watching all these adults hunting eggs. Wish I would have gotten some pics, but I was busy hunting myself. Chris was the loser- hehe! We had a great time and about that time it was getting dark and time for dinner. We ate a wonderful smoked ham and scalloped potatoes. I was craving some dessert so after Aunt Weeza and Memere Lucy took Grand Memere back to the home, they picked up some HOT donuts for us. YUM! We watched "Enchanted" - cute cute movie and ate donuts. Great way to end the night.
See more Easter Weekend Pics
1 comment:
I hope you have pictures of Kelson coloring eggs. They are just to cute! All the adult games sounded fun to. Hot doughnuts? YUMMIE!
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