I was running across some old files today at work and came across a few pictures of me when I was a baby. I can't believe how much Kelson is starting to look like me. At first all i could see was Jason, but now I can see me too. Its so exciting! Everyone says that she looks Just like Jason, but after seeing these pictures I think they will agree she looks like BOTH of us. My mom and sister kept saying how she looked like me, but I never saw it till now. What a cute girl she will grow up to be :) lol! Her personality is already starting to show.
hey --- That you do ---- two Cuties !!!
She's SOOO Kelly! :) I still wanna see these pictures of Jason that she looks just like too. To me, she's SO Kelly!
Everyone was right up until very recently she looked just liked J but as her face has thinned all of a sudden you can definitely see you in her. Mother said to tell you that to and to tell you what a good little mother she thought you were :) I think it great she all ready loves music. I hope she loves the Disney CD I got her. We'll start teaching her Carrie Underwood next week...ha ha
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