My sister encouraged me to try feeding Kelson cereal with a spoon- instead of in her bottle, so we gave it a shot. Kelson did VERY well for her first time.
I just wanted to write down all the foods that Kelson has tried so far so I don't forget. We have been very fortunate and she hasn't had any allergic reaction to the foods. She still is drinking her lactose-free formula. She enjoys this.
1st fruit- Bananas- She loved em
1st veggie- Sweet Potatoes- she seemed to have an upset tummy with these
2nd fruit- Applesauce- she loved those too
2nd veggie- Carrots- she does very well with these. Suprisingly they are sweeter than sweet potatoes.
Next Adventure will either be peas or peaches! Prob peaches.
I was thinking about going on the "Gerber baby stage 2 diet"- haha! Little bit of food and not many calories.
Kelson does a GREAT job at eating her food. They have this little spoon now called "Little Dipper" that allows them to feed themselves. Kelson LOVES doing this. She grabs it and sticks it right in her mouth (well sometimes)lol. I am teaching her to use the "more" sign at each feeding. I believe she is starting to catch on. I want to catch the first sign on camera, so I try to have it nearby.
I still love having that quality time with Kelson- feeding her formula- she is trying to hold up her own bottle and plays with her hands and whomever's hands who is feeding her. She wraps her little fingers around yours. Its so precious. I love these moments.
I also LOVE bathtime with Kelson. Those of you who don't know- Jason and I added on a 750 sq ft bedroom & bathroom to our house. Well our bathtub is HUGE, so Kelson and I have so much fun in there. We read the "Water Water Everywhere" book each time and then play with her bath toys. I sing to her and we laugh and we splash. Its so much fun! She also stares at my boobies like - um... those look familiar, but I've managed to distract her. haha.
1 comment:
Annabelle LOVES "Water, Water Everywhere"! It was the first book that I memorized as a mommy. :) I also used to make her laugh hysterically at it by laying the book out opened up floating on top of the water, pushing the book under the water using just one finger in the spine of the book, then moving my finger and letting the book float up and jump out of the water as she laughed at it! Annabelle still loves that book now too, and now she can even read along. :)
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