My mom e-mailed me the other day and said that the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK are getting back together. They mentioned it on The View. I had to ask her if she was serious. Can you guys believe that!?! So for all you girls that LOVED them (since they did start the boy band craze) who wants to all get together- POOF our bangs, WEAR those big buttons with their pictures on it (Keri) lol, BRING the Big Bop Magazine for them to sign, AND TIGHT roll our jeans and go to their concert, let me know? I may just have to check them out if they are around town! Whose in? lol!
If it's true I'm definatly IN. You know I love them, remember how jeallous I used to be of you and Keri cause yall got to meet them at Madison Square Mall back in the day!?!
Much Luv,
Wow... that's just crazy! I could see Danny, Jordan, and Joe wanting to do it, but not Donny and DEFINITELY NOT Jon (my man!)! Wow. I wonder if they'll just be playing their old songs or if they'll be trying to do new stuff? Wow.
BTW, here's a recent article from People.
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