Sorry its been so long since I've written. Been a little pre-occupied with things! Well Kelson is 4 months old today. I know- ALREADY! Can you believe it. She is getting so big and doing so much now. She loves to play with her hands and smiles ALL the time. I'm working on getting her to say Ma Ma and Da Da, but no luck yet. She does knows her mom and dad now. We go to Dr. Zbell on Monday to get her next round of shots (not looking forward to that- and its Jason's first time to go). Both kids are going to be crying :( The nurse adminsters the shots really fast, so I'm happy about that. I've noticed a few things about Kelson already: She loves sleepy time and nap time- she is SOOO happy and always smiling when she wakes up. She LOVES to suck on her hand (I think she is about to start teething). I really believe that when I sing to her that she is trying to sing along- its so cute. She is already getting too big for her favorite bouncy seat and is adapting to her swing (when she wants). I just noticed my sister Keri had Corgan (my nephew- a few days younger than Kelson) already in his stand up exerciser, so I need to get that out for Kelson. She would love that. She is so strong and so independent. Speaking of that- I do believe that she is a lot like me in that way and her lack of patience. When she screams cause she wants something- she wants it right then and won't stop till she gets it. Lol. Kelson still looks a lot like Jason, but is starting to look a little more like me everyday. Its so amazing that we created this wonderful child together. Her eyes are getting slightly bluer each week too. She has already rolled over a couple of times. She still has to sleep in her swaddler. She sleeps around 8-10 hours at night-THANK YOU JESUS. She is still getting passed on to every babysitter whose available that day while I'm at work. Thank you to all of you. I misplaced my camera charger, so I haven't been able to take many pictures, but I found it the other day so I'll be posting some new ones soon. I can't believe that Christmas is right around the corner.
Now to catch you up- we had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with all of Jason's family and my mom, dad, and brother. We ended up with 51 people for dinner. It wasn't too hectic and sadly we didn't get a chance to go around and say our "thank you's" (family tradition), but we managed to get lots of great pictures and made lots of great memories. Since Aunt Louise and Jeannette moved up here, there was more places to stay, roam, and party. It was great having everyone and their children here for the holiday. I posted some pics on my Kodak site if you wanna check them out. Chopper- Heartland's guitar tech, and son Brandon join us for dinner too. We don't allow people to go to Denny's around Thanksgiving time :) We enjoyed being with everyone and having lots of good times. Above is the picture of the girl cousins that had matching holiday dresses (including my little one) it was so precious. The "Video shoot" was a whole event in its own. I was sweating by the end. haha! We were doing the stupidest stuff: ringing the bells for babies to look up, singing Christmas carols so the kids would laugh, making weird noises to get the kids attention, bribing them with Christmas cookies if they just sat through a few more pictures, etc... that's what the holidays are about!
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