Well another day of shots for my little angel. This time was ever harder cause she knows more of whats going on around here. It's so hard to see them go through that, but you know its for the best. Jason and I both teared up when she started screaming. The nurse did really well again and did them quick. I grabbed her as soon and she was done and she quit crying and just breathed in and out. So pitiful. Anyways, she is now 25 1/2 inches long (75%)- went up 3 inches since her 2 month appt and she weighs 12 lbs 15oz (45)- went up 2lbs and 1 oz from last appt. Her eyes are still blue and getting bluer each day- hope she gets my eyes! Its looking that way. She is drooling a bunch and always sucking on her hand (she can pretty much get her whole fist in her mouth- gets that from her Aunt Keri) Lol! She said that she may cut a tooth real soon, but most babies drool a month or two before teeth ever come in. I asked her pediatrician what she suggested about a formula- the enfamil seems to make Kelson cramp up so bad, so she suggested the Similac Sensitive - lactose free- formula. She gave us a few samples and she seems to be doing better. Course its hard to tell cause she is still sore and uneasy from the shots. Let's hope it does make things easier for her- its hard to have her upset like that after feeding. Also, I asked her if brand name formula was any different from the generic and she said ABSOLUTELY NOT, so I am excited to hear that. The parents choice is half the price of the brand name.
Jason is home now- after a couple long days in the studio- we are so excited and can't wait to have some quality time together. Merry Christmas Everyone! Love you all.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Are people reading my blog?
I don't seem to ever have any comments or anything- just trying to make sure that all my "hard work"- haha is going to good use. I must admit that I am going to print all these entries off to put in Kelson's book, but I just wanted to see if people are actually reading my blogs.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Heartland update/Jim Brickman Concert...

Well the guys are back in the studio this weekend (going to record 3 or 4 new songs)in Nashville. We are all very excited about it. The guys are looking forward to working with James Stroud (has already produced albums for some big names). The management company aka Country Thunder label is doing a fantastic job of taking care of the boys. Their booking agent (Jerry Lee Attractions) just booked them a show in Alaska and possibly a USO tour for next year. After this weekend, all the guys get a chance to go home with their families for a few weeks and take a well-deserved break. Thank Goodness.
Last night Jason returned back from Tx and had a chance to go to the Jim Brickman Holiday concert with mom, dad, and I. We had a fabulous time! Jim Brickman always puts on a great show and is a phenomenal piano player. He was accompanied by Anne Cochran, long time friend of Jim's, and she did a wonderful job. Ritchie McDonald (former lead singer of Lonestar)- he's got one of the coolest voices EVER. He sang "I'm already there" and my heart just melted cause I thought of Jason singing that to Kelson and I. Things bring on such a new meaning when you have a child. He also had a new member to the tour- David Klinkenberg- he was a GREAT fiddle player. They jokingly asked him if he was playing a fiddle or a violin and he said it depended on the number of teeth the player had. haha! Alabama joke for ya! They all put on a wonderful show. We had the pleasure of meeting all of them (thank you Steve Maples). We got some autographs and Jim was very excited that Jason was there and congratulated him on their #1 single success. It was so neat that people knew who Jason and Heartland was. Ritchie was so ecastic that Jason was even there. He said I can't believe your here- I'm at home every chance I get. He told him that I really wanted to come and that he didn't live too far. Plus he wanted to come see him. It was really neat how inspiring Ritchie was with Jason. Ritchie told him that James Stroud was a VERY good man and they should be excited about working with him. Ritchie was one of the nicest men I've ever met. Very inspiring and you could tell that he was feeling what Jason was feeling (many years ago when Lonestar first started out). I hope to meet more stars in the future who are as positive and sweet as Ritchie McDonald. Here is a link site to our GO Magazine here in HSV that mentions the concert... http://blog.al.com/go/2007/12/brickman_holiday_show_has_righ.html. It even mentions that Jason and I were there. Pretty cool! Thank you Chris Welch for the great write up.
Where has the time gone...

Sorry its been so long since I've written. Been a little pre-occupied with things! Well Kelson is 4 months old today. I know- ALREADY! Can you believe it. She is getting so big and doing so much now. She loves to play with her hands and smiles ALL the time. I'm working on getting her to say Ma Ma and Da Da, but no luck yet. She does knows her mom and dad now. We go to Dr. Zbell on Monday to get her next round of shots (not looking forward to that- and its Jason's first time to go). Both kids are going to be crying :( The nurse adminsters the shots really fast, so I'm happy about that. I've noticed a few things about Kelson already: She loves sleepy time and nap time- she is SOOO happy and always smiling when she wakes up. She LOVES to suck on her hand (I think she is about to start teething). I really believe that when I sing to her that she is trying to sing along- its so cute. She is already getting too big for her favorite bouncy seat and is adapting to her swing (when she wants). I just noticed my sister Keri had Corgan (my nephew- a few days younger than Kelson) already in his stand up exerciser, so I need to get that out for Kelson. She would love that. She is so strong and so independent. Speaking of that- I do believe that she is a lot like me in that way and her lack of patience. When she screams cause she wants something- she wants it right then and won't stop till she gets it. Lol. Kelson still looks a lot like Jason, but is starting to look a little more like me everyday. Its so amazing that we created this wonderful child together. Her eyes are getting slightly bluer each week too. She has already rolled over a couple of times. She still has to sleep in her swaddler. She sleeps around 8-10 hours at night-THANK YOU JESUS. She is still getting passed on to every babysitter whose available that day while I'm at work. Thank you to all of you. I misplaced my camera charger, so I haven't been able to take many pictures, but I found it the other day so I'll be posting some new ones soon. I can't believe that Christmas is right around the corner.
Now to catch you up- we had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with all of Jason's family and my mom, dad, and brother. We ended up with 51 people for dinner. It wasn't too hectic and sadly we didn't get a chance to go around and say our "thank you's" (family tradition), but we managed to get lots of great pictures and made lots of great memories. Since Aunt Louise and Jeannette moved up here, there was more places to stay, roam, and party. It was great having everyone and their children here for the holiday. I posted some pics on my Kodak site if you wanna check them out. Chopper- Heartland's guitar tech, and son Brandon join us for dinner too. We don't allow people to go to Denny's around Thanksgiving time :) We enjoyed being with everyone and having lots of good times. Above is the picture of the girl cousins that had matching holiday dresses (including my little one) it was so precious. The "Video shoot" was a whole event in its own. I was sweating by the end. haha! We were doing the stupidest stuff: ringing the bells for babies to look up, singing Christmas carols so the kids would laugh, making weird noises to get the kids attention, bribing them with Christmas cookies if they just sat through a few more pictures, etc... that's what the holidays are about!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Florida Time!!!
We had a wonderful time going around to all the theme parks- thanks to Aunt Patty and family :) We went to Sea World, Epcot, Universal and Islands of Adventures, and the Magic Kingdom. Keri and her family were all still sick, so they came up a day later, but I was happy they waited to get rid of their colds/etc so we didn't catch it. Jason, Kelson, & I all came back fine, so that's GREAT news. Mom/Dad/Donald Family all came and met us Sunday at the condo. I had brought several outfits for Kelson to wear with her cousins and Keri managed to get several wonderful photos. Keri is such a great photographer. Great ideas too. We actually got a picture of Corgan and Kelson together, Belle wasn't very cooperative and didn't want to partake. It was amazing how much bigger Corgan felt after holding Kelson. He is def her bigger, younger, cousin. He is such a cutie. Reminds me so much of my brother and dad. Annabelle was a handful too- she is soooo smart and likes to explore everything. It was a wonderful trip. I'm not going to post pictures yet, cause I want to use some of them for our Christmas card. We had a great time in FL and I can't wait to see them all again during Christmas time.
While we in Orlando, IKEA, opened up their new store. I had never heard of it before but Keri was a HUGE fan, so her and I went. We were there for over 5 hours. Got in some good quality sister time. The store is 30K sq ft- Its a HUGE place. Very cool modern stuff for great prices. I wanted to buy several LARGE things, but seeing as how we flew, there was no way to get it home. So I bought smaller items and put them in Jason's bunk on the bus since he was flying with me and didn't need it (cheap shipping). Jason and I are going to go visit the store in Atl and get some neat furniture from there. Keri has turned us into IKEA fans.
While we in Orlando, IKEA, opened up their new store. I had never heard of it before but Keri was a HUGE fan, so her and I went. We were there for over 5 hours. Got in some good quality sister time. The store is 30K sq ft- Its a HUGE place. Very cool modern stuff for great prices. I wanted to buy several LARGE things, but seeing as how we flew, there was no way to get it home. So I bought smaller items and put them in Jason's bunk on the bus since he was flying with me and didn't need it (cheap shipping). Jason and I are going to go visit the store in Atl and get some neat furniture from there. Keri has turned us into IKEA fans.
A night to remember
Well we made it back from FL. Kelson was WONDERFUL! She went on vacation like a pro. Had no problems with her on the plane rides nor at the theme parks. She got cranky every now and then, but you have to expect that from a 3 month old. While we were down there, Heartland had a show in Williston, FL at a theme park (pretty redneck, but still good times, and they had funnel cakes). So anyways, Kelson and I rode with Cousins Tab and Chris to the show and Kelson got to attend her first Heartland concert. She sat in her stroller next to me and watched and listened the whole time. She fell asleep and then Jason asked me to bring her up on stage so he could sing to her. I was shaking and crying- it was the sweetest thing EVER. He held her and sang "I loved her first" to her. We captured it on camera too. She slept the majority of the song and then at the end woke up and everyone AWWWWWWW'd. It was so awesome. I will try to upload the video if I can. Its so sweet. What a special moment for daddy and his little girl!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Santa Baby... special gift from above

I took this cute picture of Kelson lastnight while Jason and I were cooking in the kitchen. She is our little "santa baby". Lastnight the girls and I played bunco and had a great time. Of course I suck and lost AGAIN. Jason watched Kelson. I came home around 9:30pm and she was already in bed- he said that the "Bobfather" came up alittle before I got home and wanted to see his grandaughter, so they went into her nursery and were just staring at her. He started to cry and hugged Jason and told him what a neat miracle he had so of course Jason started to cry too. Its moments like these that we never want to forget! Happy Holidays All.
Christmas Tree Competition...
Well for those of you who don't know, each year its a race between Bob and Lucy and our family to see who can put their tree up the fastest after Halloween, well unfortunately since Jason wasn't here, we weren't able to do it :( A couple years ago, Jason and I had gone out on Halloween night and came back to find our tree missing, well we went down to Bob and Lucy's house and looked through their window and they had stolen our tree (it was still in the box) and was sleeping with it in their bedroom. haha! So its a fun game with play with his parents. This year, Aunt Weeza (Louise) said she was going to partake, but I have a feeling she was a little busy too and has yet to put hers up. Bob and Lucy were pretty busy this year too- working on Theana's new apt- so they got theirs up on Sunday night, Nov 3rd. Our tree is up, but still has to be decorated, so this year I will declare 2007 to Bob and Lucy! Next year we will have a anxious little 14 month old girl who will be able to help! Well sorta :)
Another tradition- Nov 1st Bob turns on the corner tree for everyone to know that Christmas is coming. This year a little boy and his mom were driving by and they stopped the car so the little boy could ask a question. He rolled down the window and asked "Are you gonna put Santa up on the tree this year?" AW!!! So of course he's going to now. He's honored that the Christmas "corner" tree spreads Christmas joy and love to all ages.
Another tradition- Nov 1st Bob turns on the corner tree for everyone to know that Christmas is coming. This year a little boy and his mom were driving by and they stopped the car so the little boy could ask a question. He rolled down the window and asked "Are you gonna put Santa up on the tree this year?" AW!!! So of course he's going to now. He's honored that the Christmas "corner" tree spreads Christmas joy and love to all ages.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Smile... Your on Camera
Lucy, aka Memere, decided to take Jason, Kelson, and Grand Memere to Sears yesterday for a "4 Generation" picture. I got off work around 3:00pm and headed over there to see how things were going. Kelson was dressed in her blue outfit from her Aunt Natasha. She looked precious, but wasn't in the best mood, she had just eaten, so she was tired. They managed to get a few cute pictures. There were "Santa helpers" (Aunt Weeza, Aunt Nin, and Aunt Theana) all there to help get Kelson ready for the camera. We took a break and let another family go while we got Kelson settled down and a little nap. We changed her into an adorable "Santa" outfit and she was much happier and ready to go. I happened to have on a red shirt, so we took a family picture. This was our first professional family photo. It turned out really cute and I think Kelson liked having her mommy and daddy with her. They asked me about getting pics for our Christmas Cards this year, but I knew my sister was going to be taking some pics while we are in FL, so I'm gonna see what we take then. She is growing so fast week to week, so who knows what the next holiday's picture will entail. Its gonna be so much fun. Well we have LOTS to do before heading down to FL for Daddy's shows, Family time, Hanging out with the cousins, etc.. Pray that she does well on her first plane ride! :)
Friday, November 2, 2007
Kelson Updates...

Its amazing how big Kelson is getting already. I was just looking at her the other day in her bouncy seat and realized how much bigger she is now. Its so exciting, yet sad, cause that means she is growing up so fast. She is showing more expressions too. She loves to smile- esp in the mornings. That's her favorite time of the day- I think. We have started the Enfimil with Iron formula and she is doing great. Well except for the GREEN poo poo that has come with it. But we are just supplementing, so its not all the time, but good lord what a difference in breast milk and formula. I noticed the other day that she was watching me eat some pringles and she started "mocking me and chewing" and staring at me eating. It was amazing.
Kelson LOVES bathtime. She loves to have the running water over her and just lay in there. Its amazing how much stronger and bigger she is now. She used to SCREAM when I bathed her but she loves it now. I love the smell of a clean baby.
She loves when people sing to her. She already has a knack for music. A few weeks back I laid her on my chest and I was singing "I loved her first". She was smiling so big and cooing and singing along- it was the neatest experience ever. Of course I was bawling and couldn't sing. Jason wasn't her to experience it, but I'm sure I can get her to do it again. I played this song all the time when I was pregnant, so I really think she remembers it and it soothes her.
I broke out the bumbo yesterday to try out and she did GREAT. She could sit in it pretty well, but she still needs a few more weeks to really do it by herself. But I think around Thanksgiving she will be doing it on her own. Don't worry it will only be on the floor- no tables! ;)
I can't believe my little girl is already 2 1/2 months old. Jason comes home Sunday and will be home for a while. We are going to Orlando next Thurs for a week. Heartland has two shows down there. Kelson's first flight- well see how she does.
Carving the pumpkins...

We are a little behind on carving this year, due to Jason's schedule, but we managed to get it done before Halloween, so this past Sunday, Jason and I turned on the "Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" and "Haunted Mansion" and got to carving. I was VERY impressed with our carving this year. Jason had a scary face, I had bat eyes and star nose and mouth, and Kelson's was the best. I bought a Disney princess pattern book from Wal-Mart and laughed when I realized how detailed it was gonna be, but thought I would give it a shot. I think I did GREAT. Kelson's pumpkin was the rose from the Beauty and the Beast movie. Of course Kelson wasn't able to help, but she slept while we carved, so that was help enough.
I had seen a picture online of a baby in a pumpkin and thought of that idea for our Halloween e-cards this year, so i cleaned out my pumpkin really well, blew out the candle in it- hehe, and we stuck a cloth inside and Kelson. She did SOOOOOO good. She seemed to really enjoy it. We got some great shots of her. What a wonderful Halloween we had. I made a joke that last Sunday was pumpkin carving time and this Sunday will be the putting up of the Christmas Tree!
Catching up...

Well our Halloween Costumes this year were a hit :) Jason was Popeye, I was Olive Oyl, and Kelson was Sweet Pea. Jason and I went to our annual Halloween party (can you believe Jason was in town on a weekend- I still can't believe it) hehe. Kelson stayed home with her memere and we went out. We had a great time. I'm going to post some pics from that night on my kodakgallery so check out the albertsland website. It was hard trying to get myself dressed then wake up Kelson to dress her. She was NOT happy. But we managed to snap a few pictures. We all had a great time!!! I'm just now catching up on my sleep from Sat night. Guess those days of staying up all night are over now... ;)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Prayer Circle for Robbie Mathis...

Jason's godson, Robbie Mathis, has been feeling ill for the past two months. It all started with an ear infection that turned bad. He was taking antibiotics, but nothing seemed to work to get rid of the infection. After many weeks of antibiotics and pain meds they got the infection to go away, but the pain wouldn't subside. He has been in excruciating pain for the last two months, so his parents recently took him to Vanderbilt children's hospital to find out what was wrong and what was causing him so much pain. Apparently Robbie's brain was still sending the message that he was in pain and somehow a nerve was damaged in the process. He has been unable to go to school or get up and play - like a normal child. This young man is one of the sweetest kids you will ever meet (the whole family is that way). The dr's believe that he is going to make a full recovery with the proper meds and rehab. Robbie's motor and walking skills were somewhat damaged through all of this. I know that he will make a full recovery and FAST. He is such a fun kid with lots of spunk, so I know he will do just fine. Being a mother now, I realize how much you go through what your child is feeling. Please keep Robbie and the whole Mathis family in your prayers. I'm attaching a picture of Jason and I with the Mathis family- we went to Disney last summer and had a blast (Robbie is standing in front of Jason). Just want him to know that we are ready to do it again next summer! Here's to a FAST and WONDERFUL recovery. We love you guys.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Well my little angel did wonderful! She got her ears pierced like a champ and was so good during her shots. Of course, she cried (like the breathe baby breathe) crying, but she stopped soon after to get some milk- thank God for that. Lucy gave Kelson some baby Tylenol before the appt, so I think that really helped ease the pain. The pediatrician's office did a great job with her and administered the 3 shots so fast. Mom, Lucy, and Theana got to meet Dr. Zbell for the first time and they loved her. She's so good with Kelson. We gave her a copy of the "Country Weekly" to post on her board in the office. Thank you to Memere, Grammy, and Theana for going to the appt with us. They make a great back-up team. Kelson now weighs 10lbs 14oz and is 22 1/2 inches long. They think she is gonna be a tall girl (around 5'8) and have bright blue eyes- yea! We also talked to her about formula and she suggested Enfamil, so that's what we are gonna try out. The hospital gave me lots of samples when I came home with Kelson so I'm gonna try combining 3oz of breastmilk, 3oz of water, and then the powdered formula once a day (at night) to see how she does with it. If she does ok, then I will slowly ween her off the breastmilk and just use water, to give me a break from pumping all the time.
Kelson slept very soundly on the way home. I sent Jason a quick video on my phone showing him Kelson's pierced ears, well needless to say- he wasn't pleased that I got that done. He KNEW that I was going to do it, but I guess seeing it done he was mad because she was put in more pain than needed, but honestly she did better with that then with the shots. So anyways, he got over it after a min or so, but was sad that he wasn't here to comfort her and be with her, but he is glad that our baby girl is fine and happy again. I reminded him that I would NEVER hurt our daughter. Little babies get their ears pierced all the time- right Annabelle? ;) All is well. I told him that she will love it when she is older. She will be one step ahead of her friends- hehe. Most toddler girls want their ears pierced, but are afraid of the pain, so if you do it when you are still in control of their actions, they will thank you for it later.
Just an example on letting your kids make decision for themselves: My dentist told mom that I didn't medically need braces when I was younger, but could get them if I wanted straight teeth. Well mom of course asked me if I wanted then- and being 9 and scared to death, I declined. I only wish that my mother would have MADE me get braces instead of ASKING me. Luckily my teeth are in good shape and I can always get invisiline to get them really straight now :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Kelson's 2 month appt
Well Kelson is 9 weeks today, but we are just now going for her two month old shots. I am SOOO not looking forward to it. I know how hard it can be to hear her cry when she's hungry, needs changing, etc.., so knowing that she is will be in pain and I have to sit there and watch it (more than once) is gonna be really hard. All i remember and keep telling myself is that EVERYONE had to go through it and NOONE remembers it as a newborn, so that is keeping me sane about going to this appt. With that being said- the pediatrician, Dr. Zbell, offered to pierce Kelson's ears too, so we are gonna do that as well. MIGHT AS WELL GET IT ALL DONE AT ONCE. I'm really excited about getting that done. I always said I would do that if and when I had a little girl. Unfortunatly Jason isn't in town so Lucy (Memere) and Linda(Grammy)are gonna go with me to the appt. There's no way I could go alone! I'll let ya know how we do tomorrow. I am anxious to see how much she weighs now and how long she has gotten. She has seem to really grow in the last couple of weeks. I'm gonna get video and pictures. Wish us luck!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Country Weekly Magazine

Kelson, just a few minutes old, has already made an apperance in a nationally distributed magazine. Jason and Kelson's picture is in this week's issue of "Country Weekly" Magazine (Nov 5th issue). Right after we found out it was in there on Friday, the whole family went and bought copies. They are on page 4 - right next to Jason's idol- Garth Brooks. Its amazing to be in a store and open up a magazine and see your family in it. Course I chose not to have my picture in there with them- seeing as how I didn't want my debut picture of me in that magazine to be no makeup, fat, and just not so cute. hehe. I'll wait till another event comes up. Maybe a follow up picture or something? Its really a sweet picture and caption. Go grab yours today! The cover is Alan Jackson and his family. Love you all.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Introducing something new...
Kelson's baby acne/heat rash is ALL GONE now. I think it was a phase and glad that its over. I talked with Chantell, Jason's cousin, today for about an hour about baby stuff. I'm thinking about introducing Kelson to formula. Not full out, just supplement, so I don't have to stress over producing too much milk when I'm at work or want to go out one night. I love nursing, so I'm def going to continue as much as I can, but I want to have a backup plan just in case. The question is - which brand do I use? What are ya'lls opinions and thoughts on this? I'm up for comments on this.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The time has come...
Well I started back at the gym last night. It went GREAT. I did 30 min on the elliptical and 15 min of free weights. It was so weird to go back and not see a single person that I knew- I just laughed to myself and wondered where had everyone gone. Were they off having babies too, decided to go somewhere else, just didn't care anymore and become fat, etc.. I had lots of time to think about these things while working out. Even the people who worked there were different. One girl that taught classes when I left was there, but that's it. My workout buddy, Stacey, is having her baby soon, so unfortunately she can't come and workout with me for a while, but I was ready to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Funny story- i was working out on the elliptical and I kept smelling this foul throw up smell and I was looking on my shoes and at the girls around me trying to figure out where it was coming from. Finally I wiped my mouth on my shirt (from sweating) and realized- OMG- it was me, well Kelson. I had fed her before I left and apparently she spit up quite a bit and I didn't realize it or wipe it all off. So i had to work out for an hour with the smell of throw up on me- haha! That was the only part that I didn't care for, but it was pretty cool to have a little bit of Kelson with me at the gym for the first time. But from now on, I'm gonna check myself before leaving the house.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Keeping it in the family...
I was just browsing through my sister's pictures of Annabelle when she was Kelson's age and OMG- they look so much alike! You can tell a tid bit of a difference, but overall they look so much alike. You can really tell how she starts to get her features (like she has now) around 4 months so I can't wait to see how Kelson looks around that time. I told my sister that I didn't think Belle looked like Corgan either, but after seeing a few pics she does resemble him. I just found this SO cool and amazing!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Kelson's first time at home with daddy
Jason's schedule was pretty hectic this week, but he finally got to have some quality time with his little girl today. He only called me one time and that was to find out where her favorite bouncer/vibrating seat was?! I forgot to take it out of the car, so it was with me, but he seemed to manage without it. That's the fussy seat- if she seems to be fussy after trying the 4 steps 1) change her 2) feed her 3) burp her 4) rock her, then the vibrating seat is the next option :)
He sent me a cute picture of Kelson this morning saying that they had just woke up and she was getting ready to eat. I texted him back telling him it was weird getting a picture from him of her since I'm normally the one sending them. It was a nice surprise. Kelson finally showed her daddy that she is a good girl and can sleep through the night. Lastnight she went to bed around 11 (after being up most of the day with grammy, going out to dinner with the family, and hanging out with Memere until 10:30pm while mom and dad had some quality time)and she didn't wake up till 6am. He's heard me talk about it, but never experienced it. He said he woke up during the night to get something to drink and had to think if she had gotten up at all- hehe! What an angel God has blessed us with. Well I'm heading home to give my little girl and hubby kisses. Jason has to leave again tonight, but gets to come back Sunday for a few more days with our family. YEA! He's such a GREAT daddy/husband!
He sent me a cute picture of Kelson this morning saying that they had just woke up and she was getting ready to eat. I texted him back telling him it was weird getting a picture from him of her since I'm normally the one sending them. It was a nice surprise. Kelson finally showed her daddy that she is a good girl and can sleep through the night. Lastnight she went to bed around 11 (after being up most of the day with grammy, going out to dinner with the family, and hanging out with Memere until 10:30pm while mom and dad had some quality time)and she didn't wake up till 6am. He's heard me talk about it, but never experienced it. He said he woke up during the night to get something to drink and had to think if she had gotten up at all- hehe! What an angel God has blessed us with. Well I'm heading home to give my little girl and hubby kisses. Jason has to leave again tonight, but gets to come back Sunday for a few more days with our family. YEA! He's such a GREAT daddy/husband!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Scary stories on the news...
With all the recent scary stories about parents accidently leaving their kids in the car, I have a worry that I'm gonna do that too. Everytime I leave to go somewhere I ALWAYS check my backseat to make sure that I didn't leave Kelson behind- even though I KNOW she isn't there. Isn't that awful? But in a way its a good thing to do just in case someone gets in a hurry and forgets. So as scary as that is forgetting your child in your car, I think its really opened the eyes of lots of parents. Did all these stories have an effect on you???
Friday, September 28, 2007
Who ordered the IUD? That would be me...
Well I got an Mirena IUD inserted the other day at my 6 week checkup, so no more babies till we are ready. Things are so advanced these days. It helps prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years. They insert it (takes a few minutes; you feel a little bit of pain and pressure)- nothing compared to what I felt 6 weeks ago :)) and there is very little side effects, no pill to take, and after a few months supposedly lighten periods and maybe even eliminate them altogether. I'm really excited about it. They usually require that you already have a child before trying this form of birth control. So anyways, I'm excited that I found something so convienent and whenever Jason and I are ready for Baby #2 all they have to do is remove it and I will be fertile right away (as if I had never taken anything). My sister is going to have this procedure done too at her 8 week checkup. As she said- we are doing the "My Mirena" dance together :)HEY MY MIRENA! A-ight! haha! Such a kidder. I told her she better hurry before baby donald 3.0 decides to arrive! haha!
Hanging in there...
Well Poor Jason has been on the road for 10 days now and is missing his little girl like CRAZY. He wrote me a text lastnight that said that he loved us and that his heart was hurting (I wanted to cry). And that he was writing a song about it. I feel so sorry for him. I know he's enjoying his career on the road, but he misses his family too, I'm sure they all do. It has been hard not having him here- for all reasons, but mostly to enjoy Kelson. I jokingly told him that I felt like a "single mom" these days- hehe. We are both reassuring ourselves that his career will destin our futures so we have to stick it out. I continue to send him pics and videos all the time to keep him up to date with whats going on with her. I can't imagine what those women who have their husbands overseas are going through. Never being able to talk to them or even unsure if they are coming home. My heart goes out to them!!!
My sweet angel slept from 11 to 6 lastnight (7 hours) I couldn't believe it. I woke up at 3 expecting to hear a cry any minute and never did, so I fell back asleep and woke up again at 5 REALLY expecting to hear her, so I went and checked and she was sleeping so sound. Then she woke me up at 6 it was so cute and it was so satisfying to know that she slept that long. I feel like I accomplished something- hehe. Its not everyday that a 6 week old sleeps for 7 hours at a time. Thank you Jesus. hehe.
Well I'm gonna have my first night out since Kelson was born on Sat. I'm going to the Big Spring Jam to watch Los Lonely Boys- love em- and Jason Aldean. Oh- and to eat a gyro for Jason ;) I can't wait to hang out with my friends and have some "me" time. Memere Lucy has been on travel all week so she is excited about babysitting Kelson.
My first week back to work is almost over. It really wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I did miss my little girl, but it went by pretty quick and I never had to worry about Kelson. Jason's aunts and mom were AWESOME babysitters this week. I can't thank them enough. Not only did Kelson have a great time, but they fed me too, and watched EERS for a little bit. Gotta love family. Oh- and dad gave me a footrub one night- yee haw! I think I've finally got our routine down.
PS- I posted some more pics if you wanna check them out.
My sweet angel slept from 11 to 6 lastnight (7 hours) I couldn't believe it. I woke up at 3 expecting to hear a cry any minute and never did, so I fell back asleep and woke up again at 5 REALLY expecting to hear her, so I went and checked and she was sleeping so sound. Then she woke me up at 6 it was so cute and it was so satisfying to know that she slept that long. I feel like I accomplished something- hehe. Its not everyday that a 6 week old sleeps for 7 hours at a time. Thank you Jesus. hehe.
Well I'm gonna have my first night out since Kelson was born on Sat. I'm going to the Big Spring Jam to watch Los Lonely Boys- love em- and Jason Aldean. Oh- and to eat a gyro for Jason ;) I can't wait to hang out with my friends and have some "me" time. Memere Lucy has been on travel all week so she is excited about babysitting Kelson.
My first week back to work is almost over. It really wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I did miss my little girl, but it went by pretty quick and I never had to worry about Kelson. Jason's aunts and mom were AWESOME babysitters this week. I can't thank them enough. Not only did Kelson have a great time, but they fed me too, and watched EERS for a little bit. Gotta love family. Oh- and dad gave me a footrub one night- yee haw! I think I've finally got our routine down.
PS- I posted some more pics if you wanna check them out.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Remembering my pregnancy...
I came across some blogs that I had written while I was pregnant with Kelson and never posted them. Just wanted to share them with everyone. I don't have up until the day I had her, but I have some pretty cute information from the first 6 months of pregnancy. Check it out.. It's long....
01/2006: We decided we were ready to start trying to have a baby
November 20-24th: Estimated week of conception
12/16/06: Took pregnancy test(s)- I was having all the symptoms for that "time of the month" so I really didn't think I was pregnant, but since I was a few days late and normally right on schedule, I bought one. Jason and I actually talked about buying an ovulation kit the week before since we weren't pregnant yet, but I had a gut feeling I needed to buy a pregnancy test first. I got home and remembered that I had bought it and so I went into his bathroom- thought it may be good luck - since my bathroom never was- he he, so anyways, I took the test (only one who knew was my Bassett hound, EERS). So I went on with putting away groceries and a several minutes later walked in to find... TA DA--- what looked like to be a "+" sign. It was actually faded- one line was very dark and the other one was barely there. I was like Oh my gosh Oh my gosh- No way. I ran next door to a friends house to ask her what she thought (carrying the pregnancy test with me). She told me that she thought it was a + too, but said let's take another one for sure. So I did and TA DA- that one was + too, so I knew for sure that I was. We started screaming and giggling. I didn't want to tell Jason on the phone (he was on the road), so I figured I would wait till he got home the next day to tell him in person with our families. It killed me to hold it in all day. I racked my brain the whole night thinking of ways to tell him that we were pregnant when finally it occurred to me what to do. Since we are both such "Christmas Lovers" and it was that time of year, I thought the perfect thing would be to wrap up a Christmas stocking that had "Baby Albert" written on it. To make sure he understood my point, I put the two tests that showed the "+" signs in the box too. The present turned out PERFECT. God works in mysterious ways!
12/17/06: I woke up that morning and took ANOTHER pregnancy test- just wanted to make sure it wasn't a one day thing- ha-ha. It too was positive, so I knew then that I was really pregnant and today was the day I was going to tell my husband that our dreams of becoming parents were coming true. Jason finally came home around noon and since it was Sunday we did the normal "family dinner" thing, so I invited mom and dad to join us. No one had ANY clue. Right before dinner- I had dad videotape Jason opening his box- I told Jason that I had a Christmas present that I found the day before that he just had to open cause Its something he needed before Christmas time. Still no one had any clue. So his grandmother, sister, mother, my mom and dad, and Jason were all there watching him open the present. He opened it and immediately looked at me- and I clapped and started crying- I said Yep, were pregnant. He couldn't believe it and neither could any one else. Everyone started crying, hugging, and laughing with joy. It was a great moment- dad got it all on camera. Nanny tickled us all when she said, OMG- I knew you could do it- ha-ha!
12/18/06: Went to Dr. Garber's for the OFFICIAL pregnancy test. Our mom's went with us to the appointment. Jason and I went back there, I did my thing and we waited together in the office. We were really excited and were hoping that the three tests were all legit. The nurse came back in and was singing "Rock a Bye Baby" - so we knew our prayers had been answered and we were going to have a baby!!!
01/23/07: Decided on the Clinic for Woman for my OBGYN and had our first ultrasound visit. I still wasn't sure what date the baby was conceived or how far along I was, so I was REALLY excited to find out. Lucy, Jason's mom, Linda, my mom, Jason, and I all went to the first appointment. I did the weigh in and I didn't lose or gain at all over the last month or two- yee haw. I'm was at 156lbs. Dr. Rushing had to do a pap smear cause it had been over a year since my last one. So at my regular family doctor a pap smear involves checking out "everything" so your usually wearing nothing but the robe they provide. I didn't think this time was any different so I did the same thing. Dr. Rushing walked in and was pretty much in shock and said "Oh my- I don't need all that off, just the pants- I started laughing and I said- well really I don't mind cause your seeing the most private part of me anyways." I think I made him blush- only I could make a man that does this for a living blush- ha-ha. So anyways, he came back in- after I put back on my shirt- and did our thing. Then he was ready to do the ultrasound- for those of you without kids- the first one is vaginally. I was aware of this so I wasn't alarmed. They brought in the family and we got all ready to see the baby for the first time. I have to include this story, cause its one I don't want to ever forget. As the doctor was preparing the "WAND" for insertion I was watching Jason's face- it was hilarious. The procedure involves taking a wand- which is about the length of a hand held massager - just round, puts a condom on the end of it with some lubricating jelly. I was laughing so hard inside watching Jason's expressions and questions on what that doctor was going to do with that. Jason told me he was thinking is he going to put that in her... WELL there ya go he did... ha-ha! So anyways - we all waited as he made his way upwards and then there is was "BABY ALBERT" - it was amazing. Just floating around in there. It looked just like the pictures in all the pregnancy books. He measured the baby and said that i was "10 weeks" along. We were told that we were only at 9 weeks, so I was excited cause I was having all the symptoms of a week ahead. Thank goodness for pregnancy books. Actually getting to see that something really was inside of me made it so surreal.
01/27/07-01/31/07: Baby Albert went on his/her first 3-day cruise to Nassau, Bahamas. Heartland was asked to perform two shows with several other artists like Jamie O'Neil, Neil McCoy, Bill Engvall, and Tim McGraw, so we all got to tag along. Even his/her grandmother's went. We had a great time. The baby adjusted to the seas so well and I never once felt sick. We hung out at the casino, went walking around Nassau, laid by the pool, watched the performers, and ate good food. Overall we had a great time. I did feel the pooch starting to progress during the cruise- could have been the midnight pizza buffet or the ice cream bar, who knows. Only complaint about the cruise was the "no partying" - sucked being the only sober one out of 2,174 passengers- ha-ha, and they wore out all Tim McGraw songs for me for life- that's all they played 24/7.
02/08/07: Blood work- can't really say much about this. The nurse did a great job finding my vein and getting me in and out of there- That's always a plus. Didn't have to weigh in, which I was glad cause I feel like I've gained a few lbs already :)
02/13/07: Got to hear Kelson's Heartbeat for the first time. It was nice and strong- 156 bpm. Most folks said that it sounds like a girl, but according to the books, all babies should have fast heartbeats at first, regardless of gender. Jason brought the videotape so well have that moment to cherish forever. It took a few times to find his/her heartbeat - Kelson was a squirmy little thing. It was an awesome moment. We didn't cry but were so excited to hear the heartbeat. It will only get better and more exciting. We did find out that we can find out if Kelson is a girl or a boy on March 20th!!!! We can't wait!!!
03/15/07-3/19/07: I had the WORST lower abdominal cramps ever. I was in tears it was so bad. After confiding in several moms I was told that it could be "round ligament" pain. (Pretty much the uterus is expanding to make more room for the baby.) It was so painful and its not supposed to be that bad, so I went to the dr. (Dr. Wheeler- new doctor (on call) ), he gave me a little exam and said that in fact I either pulled a muscle in that area or it was the round ligament pain. Kelson's heartbeat was fine- 135bpm. So it was great to hear that nothing was wrong with me or the baby. It was just something that I had to tough out while taking my extra strength Tylenol. I woke up Monday morning- the 19th- and felt like a brand new woman. It was great- the pain had just gone away- I had been praying for two days. So I hope the next major pain I feel like that will be followed up by an epidural- haha.
03/17/07: Kelson got to hear her daddy's country band, Heartland, in concert. They played at the VBCC Concert Hall on St. Patty's Day. I still wasn't feeling GREAT, but I managed to get dressed and go to the show. It was a GREAT show and we all had a good time. Hopefully the music wasn't too loud for Kelson, I tried to cover my belly some so it wasn't- haha. She shouldn't be able to hear noises yet, but it was pretty darn loud. All the Heartland members who had girls brought them up on stage when they sang "I loved her first"- it was the cutest site ever. Jason mentioned that we were expecting and even told the whole concert hall about my cramps. It was so cute. I mean if you can't be up front with your hometown crowd, then what's the point- haha! Everyone had a great time- including Kelson. She slept like a rock that night - I'm sure it was knowing that her daddy was singing that song to her (before Jason and I even knew it was a girl)!!!
03/20/07: Kelson's gender is revealed!!!! It's a GIRL!!! I couldn't believe it. I said, "Are you sure?" to the nurse. I could have sworn that it was going to be a boy. She said that she was 90% sure and she has only gotten 2 wrong and she had been there since 1979, so that was good enough for me. I was so thrilled. Jason got it all on video and I looked up at the camera and said- I win! haha! We are both so excited. Although Jason had his mind set on a boy, he will be just as excited and happy with his little girl. We are going to try for a boy next time for sure, but only God controls those things :) The nurse said that she could see the hamburger so that's how she knew it was girl- I still can't make it out- haha! 3 slits to make a hamburger and a boy is a hot dog. Dr. Wheeler and Kathy, the nurse, said that Kelson was in PERFECT condition- everything looked great. We will do another ultrasound later on to be 100% sure, but I've already sent out the good news and told everyone, so I hope Kelson really is a girl. To tell our moms (who were waiting anxiously in the waiting room) the good news, Jason and I bought both "Ty- It's a girl and It's a boy" bears to give to them. So Jason and I walked out and he did the "pick a hand" game and of course they were both the girl dolls. They were SO excited and again couldn't believe it was actually A GIRL!!! Went to eat lunch at Casa Blanca to celebrate- haha. It was a GREAT day. I believe we have come up with our baby girl's name - Kelson Noelle or Noel Albert. (came up with the middle name cause we LOVE Christmas time)
04/05/07: Jason and I went to Babies 'R Us to register. We were there from 5:30pm till they closed around 9pm. It was really hard deciding what we wanted. I wish we had our camera with us cause we were trying everything out and seeing how we looked with different things. Ex: Jason tested out the Graco stroller we chose (aka the G-ride) up and down the isles and he said that moment and registering really made it believable we were going to have a baby. So sweet. I think with all the e-mails, inputs, and advice that we did really good on selecting items for baby. We only got through half way at the store when they were about to close, but I'm going to go back and finish up the little things. Cool thing about the Internet is you can manage your items online. I did register us at Target too. Jason got all excited that we were going there so he can register for the rest of the Disney movie collection for our little girl. It was a lot of work and I hope we did get some NECESSARY items for her, but if not, we can always go back.
04/12/07: Had our regular checkup. Mommy and baby are both doing GREAT. I've gained a total of 14 lbs so far- which the doctor said is great. Kelson's heartbeat was 138 bpm. The nurse said that she even kicked the Doppler wand when they were looking for her. I didn't even realize she did, so I guess that goes to show she's probably kicking and been moving around for a while and I just haven't noticed. My belly is definitely starting to show. I went down to FL for Kori and Todd's wedding two weekends ago and had a great time. I felt the baby move for the first time while I was there- laying out by the pool- it was so cool (I was 19 weeks along). Got to hang out with Keri and Annabelle while I was there too. Keri and I got some prego pics together, went shopping, got pedicures, did sister bonding stuff, and played with Belle. She finds out what gender Baby 2.0 is going to be on Monday, April 16th. She already has her names too: Corgan Alexander or Aurora Rose :) I like them both. I talked to the nurse about having the 4D thing done, but I have to wait till I'm 28 weeks along, so I still have a while to go, but I'm so excited about seeing Kelson up close and personal. Its only $120. Not bad at all. Definitely worth it.
Symptoms during the first trimester
ANYTHING sweet, pretzel bites with garlic and cheese sauce from Pretzel time, coffee (and I don't even drink it), and granola and yogurt.
Annoying things:
No energy the first month, excessive bathroom breaks during the night, tender breasts, cramps, a cold that seemed incurable, excessive coughing for the first week, being the only sober one at parties- ha-ha, No Diet Sunkist, and having the feeling that all the weight I just lost was going to come back.
Neat things:
Buying new baby stuff, getting to share the good news with everyone, splurging a little on food and not feeling bad about it, rubbing on my belly- although I wasn't showing yet, sharing all this "baby stuff" with Jason, NO periods, reading pregnancy and baby name books, getting cards in the mail from friends and family, VERY LITTLE MORNING SICKNESS- thank you lord for passing on the family genes, finding out that my sister is also pregnant (just a few weeks behind me), and came up with our uni-sex baby name, Kelson Albert. I like to sing "Baby Mine" to the baby. I also posted a "gender poll" on my myspace page to see what people thought the sex was going to be. So far the "boy" is in the lead. Jason is hoping for a boy and I'm hoping for a girl, but regardless as long as its healthy we are happy.
Symptoms during the second trimester
Tortilla rolls, Doritos, fruit, waffles, peanut butter, can't stand the thought of eating "meat" that's by itself- weird, I know, but I can't help it. Back to wanting "sweets" again. Grilled cheese lately, but I've always liked that.
Annoying things:
I'm definitely more hungry, but can't ever figure out what I want to eat. started getting cramps because of the growing uterus stage, 17 weeks and still haven't felt the baby move (I had one bubble feeling, but I'm still not sure if that was really it), BAD cramps (round ligament pain) for three days (non-stop), re-modeling house and I can't help much with it because of my condition. Trying to handle all the dirt from the house while its being done. Mood swings have begun. Had bad allergies for a while and stinks that you can't take anything "good" while pregnant. I just doubled up on Xango and feel so much better. Lately I've been having a lot of heartburn, but not eating differently, Kelson's hair must be growing, ha-ha.
Neat things:
Get to hear the heartbeat this trimester, my friends have decided to throw me a "girl's baby shower" on April 29th (I will be 23 or 24 weeks along) at a nearby clubhouse. Keri, Lucy, Aline, Jeannette, and mom are going to throw Jason and I a "couple's shower" on July 4th in our backyard for all of the family down in FL and around here. I'm really excited and can't wait for Jason and I to go register. Still no morning sickness, breast tenderness is starting to go away, number of pee breaks during the night have dropped, ok- they are back now, ha-ha. I've only gained the required lbs so far- I'm up to 9 lbs. They say that you should start gaining around 4 lbs/month. Keri and I got to take some pregnant sister pictures together. Felt Kelson move on 3/31. Got to register- definitely harder than registering for a wedding. I LOVE that the pregnancy books describe your baby's size by fruits and vegetables - it really makes you aware of their size. When I go to the grocery store- you can't help but hold it up to your belly and smile. We get to start on the nursery soon, our master bedroom/bathroom 700 sq ft. addition is just about done.
Helpful Resources:
Online- www.babycenter.com and www.storknet.com
Fun and Helpful Books- A Girlfriend Guide to Pregnancy, Belly Laughs, What to Expect when your expecting, Your pregnancy: week by week, The Belly book,
01/2006: We decided we were ready to start trying to have a baby
November 20-24th: Estimated week of conception
12/16/06: Took pregnancy test(s)- I was having all the symptoms for that "time of the month" so I really didn't think I was pregnant, but since I was a few days late and normally right on schedule, I bought one. Jason and I actually talked about buying an ovulation kit the week before since we weren't pregnant yet, but I had a gut feeling I needed to buy a pregnancy test first. I got home and remembered that I had bought it and so I went into his bathroom- thought it may be good luck - since my bathroom never was- he he, so anyways, I took the test (only one who knew was my Bassett hound, EERS). So I went on with putting away groceries and a several minutes later walked in to find... TA DA--- what looked like to be a "+" sign. It was actually faded- one line was very dark and the other one was barely there. I was like Oh my gosh Oh my gosh- No way. I ran next door to a friends house to ask her what she thought (carrying the pregnancy test with me). She told me that she thought it was a + too, but said let's take another one for sure. So I did and TA DA- that one was + too, so I knew for sure that I was. We started screaming and giggling. I didn't want to tell Jason on the phone (he was on the road), so I figured I would wait till he got home the next day to tell him in person with our families. It killed me to hold it in all day. I racked my brain the whole night thinking of ways to tell him that we were pregnant when finally it occurred to me what to do. Since we are both such "Christmas Lovers" and it was that time of year, I thought the perfect thing would be to wrap up a Christmas stocking that had "Baby Albert" written on it. To make sure he understood my point, I put the two tests that showed the "+" signs in the box too. The present turned out PERFECT. God works in mysterious ways!
12/17/06: I woke up that morning and took ANOTHER pregnancy test- just wanted to make sure it wasn't a one day thing- ha-ha. It too was positive, so I knew then that I was really pregnant and today was the day I was going to tell my husband that our dreams of becoming parents were coming true. Jason finally came home around noon and since it was Sunday we did the normal "family dinner" thing, so I invited mom and dad to join us. No one had ANY clue. Right before dinner- I had dad videotape Jason opening his box- I told Jason that I had a Christmas present that I found the day before that he just had to open cause Its something he needed before Christmas time. Still no one had any clue. So his grandmother, sister, mother, my mom and dad, and Jason were all there watching him open the present. He opened it and immediately looked at me- and I clapped and started crying- I said Yep, were pregnant. He couldn't believe it and neither could any one else. Everyone started crying, hugging, and laughing with joy. It was a great moment- dad got it all on camera. Nanny tickled us all when she said, OMG- I knew you could do it- ha-ha!
12/18/06: Went to Dr. Garber's for the OFFICIAL pregnancy test. Our mom's went with us to the appointment. Jason and I went back there, I did my thing and we waited together in the office. We were really excited and were hoping that the three tests were all legit. The nurse came back in and was singing "Rock a Bye Baby" - so we knew our prayers had been answered and we were going to have a baby!!!
01/23/07: Decided on the Clinic for Woman for my OBGYN and had our first ultrasound visit. I still wasn't sure what date the baby was conceived or how far along I was, so I was REALLY excited to find out. Lucy, Jason's mom, Linda, my mom, Jason, and I all went to the first appointment. I did the weigh in and I didn't lose or gain at all over the last month or two- yee haw. I'm was at 156lbs. Dr. Rushing had to do a pap smear cause it had been over a year since my last one. So at my regular family doctor a pap smear involves checking out "everything" so your usually wearing nothing but the robe they provide. I didn't think this time was any different so I did the same thing. Dr. Rushing walked in and was pretty much in shock and said "Oh my- I don't need all that off, just the pants- I started laughing and I said- well really I don't mind cause your seeing the most private part of me anyways." I think I made him blush- only I could make a man that does this for a living blush- ha-ha. So anyways, he came back in- after I put back on my shirt- and did our thing. Then he was ready to do the ultrasound- for those of you without kids- the first one is vaginally. I was aware of this so I wasn't alarmed. They brought in the family and we got all ready to see the baby for the first time. I have to include this story, cause its one I don't want to ever forget. As the doctor was preparing the "WAND" for insertion I was watching Jason's face- it was hilarious. The procedure involves taking a wand- which is about the length of a hand held massager - just round, puts a condom on the end of it with some lubricating jelly. I was laughing so hard inside watching Jason's expressions and questions on what that doctor was going to do with that. Jason told me he was thinking is he going to put that in her... WELL there ya go he did... ha-ha! So anyways - we all waited as he made his way upwards and then there is was "BABY ALBERT" - it was amazing. Just floating around in there. It looked just like the pictures in all the pregnancy books. He measured the baby and said that i was "10 weeks" along. We were told that we were only at 9 weeks, so I was excited cause I was having all the symptoms of a week ahead. Thank goodness for pregnancy books. Actually getting to see that something really was inside of me made it so surreal.
01/27/07-01/31/07: Baby Albert went on his/her first 3-day cruise to Nassau, Bahamas. Heartland was asked to perform two shows with several other artists like Jamie O'Neil, Neil McCoy, Bill Engvall, and Tim McGraw, so we all got to tag along. Even his/her grandmother's went. We had a great time. The baby adjusted to the seas so well and I never once felt sick. We hung out at the casino, went walking around Nassau, laid by the pool, watched the performers, and ate good food. Overall we had a great time. I did feel the pooch starting to progress during the cruise- could have been the midnight pizza buffet or the ice cream bar, who knows. Only complaint about the cruise was the "no partying" - sucked being the only sober one out of 2,174 passengers- ha-ha, and they wore out all Tim McGraw songs for me for life- that's all they played 24/7.
02/08/07: Blood work- can't really say much about this. The nurse did a great job finding my vein and getting me in and out of there- That's always a plus. Didn't have to weigh in, which I was glad cause I feel like I've gained a few lbs already :)
02/13/07: Got to hear Kelson's Heartbeat for the first time. It was nice and strong- 156 bpm. Most folks said that it sounds like a girl, but according to the books, all babies should have fast heartbeats at first, regardless of gender. Jason brought the videotape so well have that moment to cherish forever. It took a few times to find his/her heartbeat - Kelson was a squirmy little thing. It was an awesome moment. We didn't cry but were so excited to hear the heartbeat. It will only get better and more exciting. We did find out that we can find out if Kelson is a girl or a boy on March 20th!!!! We can't wait!!!
03/15/07-3/19/07: I had the WORST lower abdominal cramps ever. I was in tears it was so bad. After confiding in several moms I was told that it could be "round ligament" pain. (Pretty much the uterus is expanding to make more room for the baby.) It was so painful and its not supposed to be that bad, so I went to the dr. (Dr. Wheeler- new doctor (on call) ), he gave me a little exam and said that in fact I either pulled a muscle in that area or it was the round ligament pain. Kelson's heartbeat was fine- 135bpm. So it was great to hear that nothing was wrong with me or the baby. It was just something that I had to tough out while taking my extra strength Tylenol. I woke up Monday morning- the 19th- and felt like a brand new woman. It was great- the pain had just gone away- I had been praying for two days. So I hope the next major pain I feel like that will be followed up by an epidural- haha.
03/17/07: Kelson got to hear her daddy's country band, Heartland, in concert. They played at the VBCC Concert Hall on St. Patty's Day. I still wasn't feeling GREAT, but I managed to get dressed and go to the show. It was a GREAT show and we all had a good time. Hopefully the music wasn't too loud for Kelson, I tried to cover my belly some so it wasn't- haha. She shouldn't be able to hear noises yet, but it was pretty darn loud. All the Heartland members who had girls brought them up on stage when they sang "I loved her first"- it was the cutest site ever. Jason mentioned that we were expecting and even told the whole concert hall about my cramps. It was so cute. I mean if you can't be up front with your hometown crowd, then what's the point- haha! Everyone had a great time- including Kelson. She slept like a rock that night - I'm sure it was knowing that her daddy was singing that song to her (before Jason and I even knew it was a girl)!!!
03/20/07: Kelson's gender is revealed!!!! It's a GIRL!!! I couldn't believe it. I said, "Are you sure?" to the nurse. I could have sworn that it was going to be a boy. She said that she was 90% sure and she has only gotten 2 wrong and she had been there since 1979, so that was good enough for me. I was so thrilled. Jason got it all on video and I looked up at the camera and said- I win! haha! We are both so excited. Although Jason had his mind set on a boy, he will be just as excited and happy with his little girl. We are going to try for a boy next time for sure, but only God controls those things :) The nurse said that she could see the hamburger so that's how she knew it was girl- I still can't make it out- haha! 3 slits to make a hamburger and a boy is a hot dog. Dr. Wheeler and Kathy, the nurse, said that Kelson was in PERFECT condition- everything looked great. We will do another ultrasound later on to be 100% sure, but I've already sent out the good news and told everyone, so I hope Kelson really is a girl. To tell our moms (who were waiting anxiously in the waiting room) the good news, Jason and I bought both "Ty- It's a girl and It's a boy" bears to give to them. So Jason and I walked out and he did the "pick a hand" game and of course they were both the girl dolls. They were SO excited and again couldn't believe it was actually A GIRL!!! Went to eat lunch at Casa Blanca to celebrate- haha. It was a GREAT day. I believe we have come up with our baby girl's name - Kelson Noelle or Noel Albert. (came up with the middle name cause we LOVE Christmas time)
04/05/07: Jason and I went to Babies 'R Us to register. We were there from 5:30pm till they closed around 9pm. It was really hard deciding what we wanted. I wish we had our camera with us cause we were trying everything out and seeing how we looked with different things. Ex: Jason tested out the Graco stroller we chose (aka the G-ride) up and down the isles and he said that moment and registering really made it believable we were going to have a baby. So sweet. I think with all the e-mails, inputs, and advice that we did really good on selecting items for baby. We only got through half way at the store when they were about to close, but I'm going to go back and finish up the little things. Cool thing about the Internet is you can manage your items online. I did register us at Target too. Jason got all excited that we were going there so he can register for the rest of the Disney movie collection for our little girl. It was a lot of work and I hope we did get some NECESSARY items for her, but if not, we can always go back.
04/12/07: Had our regular checkup. Mommy and baby are both doing GREAT. I've gained a total of 14 lbs so far- which the doctor said is great. Kelson's heartbeat was 138 bpm. The nurse said that she even kicked the Doppler wand when they were looking for her. I didn't even realize she did, so I guess that goes to show she's probably kicking and been moving around for a while and I just haven't noticed. My belly is definitely starting to show. I went down to FL for Kori and Todd's wedding two weekends ago and had a great time. I felt the baby move for the first time while I was there- laying out by the pool- it was so cool (I was 19 weeks along). Got to hang out with Keri and Annabelle while I was there too. Keri and I got some prego pics together, went shopping, got pedicures, did sister bonding stuff, and played with Belle. She finds out what gender Baby 2.0 is going to be on Monday, April 16th. She already has her names too: Corgan Alexander or Aurora Rose :) I like them both. I talked to the nurse about having the 4D thing done, but I have to wait till I'm 28 weeks along, so I still have a while to go, but I'm so excited about seeing Kelson up close and personal. Its only $120. Not bad at all. Definitely worth it.
Symptoms during the first trimester
ANYTHING sweet, pretzel bites with garlic and cheese sauce from Pretzel time, coffee (and I don't even drink it), and granola and yogurt.
Annoying things:
No energy the first month, excessive bathroom breaks during the night, tender breasts, cramps, a cold that seemed incurable, excessive coughing for the first week, being the only sober one at parties- ha-ha, No Diet Sunkist, and having the feeling that all the weight I just lost was going to come back.
Neat things:
Buying new baby stuff, getting to share the good news with everyone, splurging a little on food and not feeling bad about it, rubbing on my belly- although I wasn't showing yet, sharing all this "baby stuff" with Jason, NO periods, reading pregnancy and baby name books, getting cards in the mail from friends and family, VERY LITTLE MORNING SICKNESS- thank you lord for passing on the family genes, finding out that my sister is also pregnant (just a few weeks behind me), and came up with our uni-sex baby name, Kelson Albert. I like to sing "Baby Mine" to the baby. I also posted a "gender poll" on my myspace page to see what people thought the sex was going to be. So far the "boy" is in the lead. Jason is hoping for a boy and I'm hoping for a girl, but regardless as long as its healthy we are happy.
Symptoms during the second trimester
Tortilla rolls, Doritos, fruit, waffles, peanut butter, can't stand the thought of eating "meat" that's by itself- weird, I know, but I can't help it. Back to wanting "sweets" again. Grilled cheese lately, but I've always liked that.
Annoying things:
I'm definitely more hungry, but can't ever figure out what I want to eat. started getting cramps because of the growing uterus stage, 17 weeks and still haven't felt the baby move (I had one bubble feeling, but I'm still not sure if that was really it), BAD cramps (round ligament pain) for three days (non-stop), re-modeling house and I can't help much with it because of my condition. Trying to handle all the dirt from the house while its being done. Mood swings have begun. Had bad allergies for a while and stinks that you can't take anything "good" while pregnant. I just doubled up on Xango and feel so much better. Lately I've been having a lot of heartburn, but not eating differently, Kelson's hair must be growing, ha-ha.
Neat things:
Get to hear the heartbeat this trimester, my friends have decided to throw me a "girl's baby shower" on April 29th (I will be 23 or 24 weeks along) at a nearby clubhouse. Keri, Lucy, Aline, Jeannette, and mom are going to throw Jason and I a "couple's shower" on July 4th in our backyard for all of the family down in FL and around here. I'm really excited and can't wait for Jason and I to go register. Still no morning sickness, breast tenderness is starting to go away, number of pee breaks during the night have dropped, ok- they are back now, ha-ha. I've only gained the required lbs so far- I'm up to 9 lbs. They say that you should start gaining around 4 lbs/month. Keri and I got to take some pregnant sister pictures together. Felt Kelson move on 3/31. Got to register- definitely harder than registering for a wedding. I LOVE that the pregnancy books describe your baby's size by fruits and vegetables - it really makes you aware of their size. When I go to the grocery store- you can't help but hold it up to your belly and smile. We get to start on the nursery soon, our master bedroom/bathroom 700 sq ft. addition is just about done.
Helpful Resources:
Online- www.babycenter.com and www.storknet.com
Fun and Helpful Books- A Girlfriend Guide to Pregnancy, Belly Laughs, What to Expect when your expecting, Your pregnancy: week by week, The Belly book,
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Rock a Bye Kelson
Kelson is doing SO great at night. Sunday night grammy and papa were over visiting and mom was getting some quality time with her grandaughter and laid her down (after swaddling and rocking) around 9:30pm and she didn't wake up again till 3am. Course I woke up on my own twice and checked on her to make sure she was still breathing. I had to laugh to myself- as I have read that so many mothers do that. When she wakes up now, its diaper change, feeding, burping, and back to feeding. Its a pretty set pattern now and she falls back to sleep within an hour. After she was fed she slept from 4am to 7:30am. Lastnight she had pretty much the same schedule. So I think we are getting the hang of things. I'm still breastfeeding and its going WONDERFUL. She is latching on so well and has no problem with taking a bottle either from anyone. Her "pacifier" is starting to be a big hit too.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Back to working 9 to 5 next Monday
Well ok- so its more like 8 to 4, but it fit the title better :) I start back at work next Monday- I can't believe 6 weeks has flown by so fast. I can only imagine how fast time is going to go now... I feel GREAT- I really have since about the first week. Thanks to God's healing touch and Xango :)
I've got some babysitters lined up for when I go back: Lucy is going to work from home two days a week, My mom, Aline, Jeannette, and Jason when he is home. I HATE the fact that I can't be here with her every moment, but I guess that's life. I couldn't see putting her into a daycare with so much family around, so well try it out and see how it works out.
I tried to do the "leave her alone and let her cry" ordeal lastnight and that didn't work AT ALL. I let her cry for 20 min and she still never let up till I picked her up and rocked her. It was SO hard to do and It didn't seem to help.
Since I am going back to work soon and will need some rest, I really really would love your advice on how to get her on a schedule and sleeping better at night. It just might help. Thanks all.
I've got some babysitters lined up for when I go back: Lucy is going to work from home two days a week, My mom, Aline, Jeannette, and Jason when he is home. I HATE the fact that I can't be here with her every moment, but I guess that's life. I couldn't see putting her into a daycare with so much family around, so well try it out and see how it works out.
I tried to do the "leave her alone and let her cry" ordeal lastnight and that didn't work AT ALL. I let her cry for 20 min and she still never let up till I picked her up and rocked her. It was SO hard to do and It didn't seem to help.
Since I am going back to work soon and will need some rest, I really really would love your advice on how to get her on a schedule and sleeping better at night. It just might help. Thanks all.
Baby Clearasil anyone??
Poor Kelson is having the worst baby acne. I just want to apply my toner on her face. I've done what the dr said and just continued washing her face with mild soap. They said its just the oils coming out :( Its so sad. Jason made a comment that she looked like him in the 6th grade - hahaha. The dr said that it will pass and most babies get it around this time. It doesn't bother her at all, but its just sad to see. She's still beautiful!!! When we were at the beach I brought her outside for 10 min- to get pics- which I will be posting soon- and to see if it would help with her skin. I think it did, but it seems to be spreading now :( The only cure is time.
Well if anyone has any advice on how to handle this or maybe get rid of it quicker- let me know. Thanks!
Well if anyone has any advice on how to handle this or maybe get rid of it quicker- let me know. Thanks!
Monday, September 10, 2007
I don't have much time to write, but just wanted to tell everyone that we are headed to the beach- Mexico Beach. Really excited- as I have been wanting to go for a month or so and haven't been able to with Jason's schedule. Lucy, Theana, and I are all heading there today, Bob and Brady are coming tomorrow, and Jason is flying in Wed. Its gonna be lots of fun and lots of R&R. Well I will have pics posted ASAP. Can't wait to enjoy this condo on the beach. Thank you Joan (Lucy's friend) for your hospitality and Mike Miller for watching our son eers :) Love to you all! We should be back Sat or Sunday! Go Mountaineers and Tigers!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
I love being a mom!!!
Well Kelson is now 17 days old. Man time is already flying by. I think I'm getting the hang of things now :) She is eating more and sleeping a little less during the day, which means more sleep at night- YEA! We had her 2 week checkup this past Tuesday and the dr said that she is doing GREAT. She went from 7 lbs 2 1/2oz to 7lbs 14 oz (gained 12oz in one week) so I was VERY pleased with that. I wanted to make sure that I was feeding her enough and with those results I would def say that I am. Dr. Zbell also made mention that she is going to have blue eyes- I was always told that it took a while to tell, but she said that she can already tell. Also she is ranked 80% in her height bracket, so she guesses that she will be around 5'7 or 5'8. That's my little model :) She has quite a bit of hair (which I heard will all fall out :( eventually, but then grow back in). Most importantly- Kelson is in PERFECT health and we don't have to go back to the dr till her 2 month checkup- shots, etc.. and of course I'm getting her ears pierced too. I've updated my kodakgallery so if you guys want to check out some more pics of Kelson over the last few weeks, feel free to do so.
We've already taken Kelson out of the house for a few occasions: her two dr appts, a dinner at Logan's with some of our friends, and cookout couple shower, Memere and Da Bob father's anniversary dinner at Casa, and lunch with my boeing co-workers. She has done EXTREMELY well. Everyone always comments on how beautiful and alert she is for being a newborn. That's my girl!!!
There is no way that Jason and I will ever have a hard time finding a babysitter around this place. Now that Lucy has two more of her sisters up here living in AL we have more babysitters. They love to hold and spoil her often. Aline comes by almost daily to get her Kelson fix- its so cute. Lucy's mom, Memere, has even had time to come hold her and play with her. Its so awesome to share such a wonderful experience with the family.
Speaking of family- my mom is down in FL helping out Keri with her new little man- Corgan. He is soooo cute. Looks a lot like my brother Kyle did when he was born. I always said that when I had a boy, I wanted him to look like Kyle- he was the cutest kid EVER! So maybe Keri got it first. Keri and Corgan are doing GREAT. We have been able to skype (web cam) often so even though neither one of us can be there physically, we are able to chat and see eachother's baby's on their. My mom and dad are so excited that they have two new grandbabies 8 days a part from eachother. Annabelle is coping well with having a brother. You can tell that she is "a ball of energy" now from talking with her on skype. Keri has to bribe her to get her to sit still and talk- hehe.
All is going GREAT. Christmas is going to be something else this year...
Its almost time to start putting up Halloween decorations, then THE TREE!!! YEA!!!
We've already taken Kelson out of the house for a few occasions: her two dr appts, a dinner at Logan's with some of our friends, and cookout couple shower, Memere and Da Bob father's anniversary dinner at Casa, and lunch with my boeing co-workers. She has done EXTREMELY well. Everyone always comments on how beautiful and alert she is for being a newborn. That's my girl!!!
There is no way that Jason and I will ever have a hard time finding a babysitter around this place. Now that Lucy has two more of her sisters up here living in AL we have more babysitters. They love to hold and spoil her often. Aline comes by almost daily to get her Kelson fix- its so cute. Lucy's mom, Memere, has even had time to come hold her and play with her. Its so awesome to share such a wonderful experience with the family.
Speaking of family- my mom is down in FL helping out Keri with her new little man- Corgan. He is soooo cute. Looks a lot like my brother Kyle did when he was born. I always said that when I had a boy, I wanted him to look like Kyle- he was the cutest kid EVER! So maybe Keri got it first. Keri and Corgan are doing GREAT. We have been able to skype (web cam) often so even though neither one of us can be there physically, we are able to chat and see eachother's baby's on their. My mom and dad are so excited that they have two new grandbabies 8 days a part from eachother. Annabelle is coping well with having a brother. You can tell that she is "a ball of energy" now from talking with her on skype. Keri has to bribe her to get her to sit still and talk- hehe.
All is going GREAT. Christmas is going to be something else this year...
Its almost time to start putting up Halloween decorations, then THE TREE!!! YEA!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Corgan, my nephew, is on his way....
Just talked to my mom aka GRAMMY who is down in FL with my sister right now about to give birth to my nephew Corgan Alexander Donald. Mom left Alabama Monday so she could be there for Keri through her pregnancy. Although Keri wasn't scheduled to have Corgan till August 30th, he decided to come early. Funny thing is if I would have waited to have Kelson on her original due date- that means the cousins would have been one day apart- talk about being rough on my mom!!! So it all worked out for the best and I can't wait to meet him. Please be praying for the Donald family as they add another addition to their family. I know that big sister Annabelle will be a big help!!! Christmas is going to be busy this year :)
Pamela Anderson Titty Fairy...
During my pregnancy, I noticed that my breasts really weren't getting much larger and so I was concerned with breastfeeding issues. Everyone mentioned that most women don't get the larger breasts until after the baby arrives, and boy were they right. Jason had to leave Friday night for a show in West Virginia and he came back Sunday afternoon to a whole lotta woman!! Over those two days I was visited by the Pamela Anderson Titty Fairy. Its amazing how your body knows what to do every step of the way....
Introducing... Kelson Noel Albert.. Young Celebrity!!!
Well as most of you know, Jason Albert, Kelson's daddy is the lead singer for the country group, Heartland. Well since word got out that we were having a little girl, some of the local radio stations, Hsv Times, and Tv stations have been keeping up with us. Word was out that Kelson had indeed arrived. Thanks to my sister for creating Kelson's birth announcement- it was sooooo cute and I got to many compliments on it. Thank you Keri! It was one of a kind. Our local country station had the announcement on their website. Well I got a call Wed- one day after Kelson was born- from Channel 19 about coming to interview us. Since it had only been one day after she was born, needless to say I wasn't feeling really up to it. So we scheduled to have something the last day we were at the hospital- Thurs afternoon. All went great and they have a little video of us on www.whnt.com under the featured videos (Heartland Jason Albert). Also I did a google search on Kelson Noel Albert and she is all over the place. CMT.com, GAC.com, etc.. it was so amazing to have your newborn already out there in the public's eye. We have to be careful, but yet its exciting to know that she is a celebrity- already :)
Also I wanted to say thanks to all the friends and family who came by to visit us while we were in the hospital and those of you who called to check up on us. All the balloons, flowers, and cards were very thoughtful and so special for our little girl. Its great to be surrounded by such positive people!!! Thank you all. Love you!
Also I wanted to say thanks to all the friends and family who came by to visit us while we were in the hospital and those of you who called to check up on us. All the balloons, flowers, and cards were very thoughtful and so special for our little girl. Its great to be surrounded by such positive people!!! Thank you all. Love you!
Kelson's Arrival...
Well I'm finally able to update my blog and give you all the details of Kelson's birth. Lucy, Theana, Jason, and I all headed up to the hospital Tues morning, August 14th, to start the process. We stopped at McD's first to get something on my stomach, since we knew it would be a long day and no food for me till after Kelson arrived. We got to the hospital around 8 ish. Lisa was my nurse- she was fabulous- and Dr. Rushing ended up delivering Kelson. At 8:30 they checked me and I was already 3 cm, they broke my water and that started the process. I had discussed trying to prevent taking pitocin, but they said being my first child it would take FOREVER to start contracting, so I decided to go ahead and get it. Anyways, the contractions started around 3 if I remember correctly and they weren't too bad yet. We watched many episodes of King of Queens to make the time go by. Some of the boys from Heartland were on WDRM promoting their new song Once a Woman (Gets a Hold of your Heart) so Jason wasn't able to attend (imagine that)- hehe. We tried to hook up Jason's IPOD into the TV to listen to the interview, but very were successful. The guys were talking about the labor so Jason decided to call in. He mentioned that we were both very excited and somewhat nervous. Then the DJ asked to talk to me. Luckily I wasn't in pain yet nor had I had any drugs, so I didn't talking at all. It was fun. I think around 2 I started having some contractions so I asked for Nubane (a mild pain med) to hold me off until I was ready for the epidural. Well all this did was make me laugh... I couldn't stop and had no reason to be laughing. Jason and the moms were cracking up at me. Lucy even managed to get some of it on video tape- it’s hilarious. I've never seen myself laugh so hard. My sister even called and tried to talk to me and I kept laughing. She made the remark- I don't remember laughing during my labor :)
Well around 3pm they checked me again and I was at 5 cm. This is when the contractions REALLY started setting in. I had breathed all I could through the contractions and was ready for the epidural. I was afraid if I waited to long then I wouldn't be able to have one, so I said the code word: CHRISTMAS and it was on. The epidural wasn't too bad- Jason did a great job coaching me through it. He said he almost fainted when he saw the size of the needle. It just felt like a tingle down my back and into my legs. Only lasted a minute or so - definitely beats feeling those big contractions that were slowly approaching. So anyways, we were watching the monitor and the contractions were coming and I couldn't feel a thing- it was great. Well they measured me again a little later and I went from 7 to 9 centimeters in a matter of an hour or so. I started to feel some pressure down there- all over- and I knew with an epidural you usually don't feel anything. Well I felt more and more pressure as time passed, they gave me another narcotic to ease the pain, but it didn't help at all. Well before I knew it the nurse was telling me it was time to push. So at 10 cm I was pushing and feeling everything. Mom had one leg, Jason and Lucy had the other, and I was pushing away. All the movies and books I read on birthing played over and over in my head. I just grabbed a hold of my legs too and said- Ready- lets do it. haha! Like I was in charge. I saw her head in the mirror. That was really cool. I pushed for 10 min or so until Dr. Rushing arrived. That seemed like it took forever. I pushed 5 times when he arrives and BAM there was Kelson. She came out and they laid her on my belly while wiping her down. It was wonderful... she was so pretty and looked so much like Jason. Well within minutes I knew that Kelson was now the center of attention, esp. since right after she arrived there I was legs up in the air, getting my 4 little stitches, and no one around. They were all staring at Kelson- which I don't blame. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She didn't have the odd shaped head or a bad case of jaundice- which is common in most vaginal birth babies. SHE WAS PERFECT!!!
Jason gave her a bath and the family got to watch, they wheeled me to our room. I had a few minutes alone to take it all in. Course the first thing I wanted was FOOD. haha! So I had some leftover pizza till I could convince someone to go get me something better. It was great having so many friends and family there to be a part of all this. My sister was unable to attend, as she is getting ready to have a baby today!!! I hated that she couldn't be here, but it’s awesome that we were able to keep in touch throughout the whole day. Well the first night in the hospital with a newborn was rough- I was so tired and ready for some sleep, so as guilty as I felt- Jason and I decided to let the nursery have her for a few hours. We both slept so good for those few hours. I did start breastfeeding with her and it went AWESOME. She latched right on.
It was an awesome experience and so far everything is going so good!!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers! Our little family is doing GREAT!!!
Well around 3pm they checked me again and I was at 5 cm. This is when the contractions REALLY started setting in. I had breathed all I could through the contractions and was ready for the epidural. I was afraid if I waited to long then I wouldn't be able to have one, so I said the code word: CHRISTMAS and it was on. The epidural wasn't too bad- Jason did a great job coaching me through it. He said he almost fainted when he saw the size of the needle. It just felt like a tingle down my back and into my legs. Only lasted a minute or so - definitely beats feeling those big contractions that were slowly approaching. So anyways, we were watching the monitor and the contractions were coming and I couldn't feel a thing- it was great. Well they measured me again a little later and I went from 7 to 9 centimeters in a matter of an hour or so. I started to feel some pressure down there- all over- and I knew with an epidural you usually don't feel anything. Well I felt more and more pressure as time passed, they gave me another narcotic to ease the pain, but it didn't help at all. Well before I knew it the nurse was telling me it was time to push. So at 10 cm I was pushing and feeling everything. Mom had one leg, Jason and Lucy had the other, and I was pushing away. All the movies and books I read on birthing played over and over in my head. I just grabbed a hold of my legs too and said- Ready- lets do it. haha! Like I was in charge. I saw her head in the mirror. That was really cool. I pushed for 10 min or so until Dr. Rushing arrived. That seemed like it took forever. I pushed 5 times when he arrives and BAM there was Kelson. She came out and they laid her on my belly while wiping her down. It was wonderful... she was so pretty and looked so much like Jason. Well within minutes I knew that Kelson was now the center of attention, esp. since right after she arrived there I was legs up in the air, getting my 4 little stitches, and no one around. They were all staring at Kelson- which I don't blame. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. She didn't have the odd shaped head or a bad case of jaundice- which is common in most vaginal birth babies. SHE WAS PERFECT!!!
Jason gave her a bath and the family got to watch, they wheeled me to our room. I had a few minutes alone to take it all in. Course the first thing I wanted was FOOD. haha! So I had some leftover pizza till I could convince someone to go get me something better. It was great having so many friends and family there to be a part of all this. My sister was unable to attend, as she is getting ready to have a baby today!!! I hated that she couldn't be here, but it’s awesome that we were able to keep in touch throughout the whole day. Well the first night in the hospital with a newborn was rough- I was so tired and ready for some sleep, so as guilty as I felt- Jason and I decided to let the nursery have her for a few hours. We both slept so good for those few hours. I did start breastfeeding with her and it went AWESOME. She latched right on.
It was an awesome experience and so far everything is going so good!!! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers! Our little family is doing GREAT!!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Wrapping things up before Kelson arrives....
Well its officially my last day at work. My group planned a little "goodbye and good luck" party for me- a day early- haha! They thought yesterday was my last day- haha! I told them that it could be and that would be a GREAT present, but they didn't fall for it. They went around and gave me some great words of advice. A few were- "not all kids are gonna act the same so be prepared for difference", "make sure you mold your child before they have a mind to do it themselves", and "being a parent is just the beginning of life". I thought these were great! I told them my advice for myself and any other parent is "to remember to raise your kids the way that YOU want them to be, no matter what anyone else says." AND "Remember that no one likes bad/bratty kids" :) I have been working from home on Wednesdays for about a month now and it really helped with this last month of pregnancy. Thanks to my boss for that! I really do love being pregnant- it went so well- but I'm definitly ready for her to arrive. I am going today to get Kelson's car seat installed- professionally- so we are safe from the get go. Its strange and exciting to see a baby seat in the car now. A cool note on the car thing is my sister brought home Belle in the same car as I'm bringing Kelson home in. Thanks sis. Wanna borrow it for Corgan? haha!
My hospital bag is pretty much packed and ready to go. We go back to see Dr. Rushing on Monday to get a plan together for Tues. Let's hope that I've dilated and effaced a little more and she will come soon after they break my water Tues morning or it comes on its own. Jason will be home Monday morning and is SOOO excited about our family. BTW- Keri bought Big Brother Eers a t-shirt the other day- its so cute. Also i got Eers to wear one of Kelson's bonnets/hats- we are gonna get Kelson to call him Nana- like the dog on Peter Pan that pretty much babysits the darling kids. He is gonna be a GREAT help. Well let's hope.
I've had a few "pre-birth" dreams already. One was seeing Kelson wrapped in her blanket with a pink hat on- she was perfect and beautiful. The one lastnight was odd. I was feeding a baby- which I thought was Kelson- but it was a boy- well anyways, I was feeding him bitten off pizza bites. someone asked me why I wasn't breastfeeding and I was in shock- like I had forgotten that I was supposed to do that first and not go to solid foods. So I was crying cause I had already messed up and couldn't start the breastfeeding process. Also I remember a list on the wall that said 0-3 months- pudding and bananas- like that was the guideline for what they were allowed to eat during that time. WEIRD, huh? haha.
Well my sister Keri is trailing right behind me with her pregnancy- she has remained at 1CM- which is GREAT since she was put on bedrest at 35 weeks. Next week will be 37 weeks and then Corgan is allowed to come whenever. She is having a scheduled C-section on August 30th. Unless he comes before that. Its gonna be so cool having babies around the same time. Its gonna be a BUSY Christmas this year, huh, grandparents :) The "Bobfather"/"Da Bob" (Jason's dad) has offered to finish up "the honey do list" before Kelson arrives. He's been a GREAT help with everything and I can't thank him enough. He's probably the most nervous about Kelson arriving, but I think he's gonna be a GREAT grandpa. Just like his father was. My parents already have practice with being grandparents and are pros! Can't wait for Kelson to meet the whole clan.
Well I'm so anxious and can't wait to meet my little girl. I sing and talk to her all the time. Daddy will be home for good pretty soon, so that's another PLUS for us.
On a Heartland note- be listening for their new single "Once a Woman (gets a hold of your heart)" It comes out next Monday (August 13th).
So Jason has a single being released and his daughter being released next week- what a COOL week :) Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. Keep 'em coming!!! Love you all.
My hospital bag is pretty much packed and ready to go. We go back to see Dr. Rushing on Monday to get a plan together for Tues. Let's hope that I've dilated and effaced a little more and she will come soon after they break my water Tues morning or it comes on its own. Jason will be home Monday morning and is SOOO excited about our family. BTW- Keri bought Big Brother Eers a t-shirt the other day- its so cute. Also i got Eers to wear one of Kelson's bonnets/hats- we are gonna get Kelson to call him Nana- like the dog on Peter Pan that pretty much babysits the darling kids. He is gonna be a GREAT help. Well let's hope.
I've had a few "pre-birth" dreams already. One was seeing Kelson wrapped in her blanket with a pink hat on- she was perfect and beautiful. The one lastnight was odd. I was feeding a baby- which I thought was Kelson- but it was a boy- well anyways, I was feeding him bitten off pizza bites. someone asked me why I wasn't breastfeeding and I was in shock- like I had forgotten that I was supposed to do that first and not go to solid foods. So I was crying cause I had already messed up and couldn't start the breastfeeding process. Also I remember a list on the wall that said 0-3 months- pudding and bananas- like that was the guideline for what they were allowed to eat during that time. WEIRD, huh? haha.
Well my sister Keri is trailing right behind me with her pregnancy- she has remained at 1CM- which is GREAT since she was put on bedrest at 35 weeks. Next week will be 37 weeks and then Corgan is allowed to come whenever. She is having a scheduled C-section on August 30th. Unless he comes before that. Its gonna be so cool having babies around the same time. Its gonna be a BUSY Christmas this year, huh, grandparents :) The "Bobfather"/"Da Bob" (Jason's dad) has offered to finish up "the honey do list" before Kelson arrives. He's been a GREAT help with everything and I can't thank him enough. He's probably the most nervous about Kelson arriving, but I think he's gonna be a GREAT grandpa. Just like his father was. My parents already have practice with being grandparents and are pros! Can't wait for Kelson to meet the whole clan.
Well I'm so anxious and can't wait to meet my little girl. I sing and talk to her all the time. Daddy will be home for good pretty soon, so that's another PLUS for us.
On a Heartland note- be listening for their new single "Once a Woman (gets a hold of your heart)" It comes out next Monday (August 13th).
So Jason has a single being released and his daughter being released next week- what a COOL week :) Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers. Keep 'em coming!!! Love you all.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Hurry up and wait....
I'm so excited about the arrival of our little girl, Kelson Noelle or Kelson Noel- haven't decided yet. I can't believe the days are drawing nearer. Kelson's orginial due date was August 21st, but due to her daddy's tour schedule, we are planning to have her a week early so he will actually be able to attend the birth- haha!
I have to thank God first of all for giving me the oppportunity to have this child with such a WONDERFUL husband. Also a HUGE thank you for making this pregnancy SOOO wonderful. Other than a few hard days, it wasn't bad at all. I can only pray that the delivery goes as smoothly. As of my appt last Tues, I am a little over 1 centimeter and she is already head down. I'm not effaced at all, but hopefully thats changed over this last week. Jason hasn't been here for most of this last month, but I have been passing along all the "fun/nasty" details that have gone along with it. He will be home tomorrow and we all can't wait- he's been gone for 3 weeks! We are hoping to induce Kelson on August 14th- A day after Heartland's new single release and a day before "Papa" Kolumbus's 60th b-day. Its gonna be a memorable day.
Thank you to all my friends and family who have helped me through this and been so supportive. That really does make a difference. Kelson is going to be such a wonderful gift to us all and such a ray of sunshine.
I have to thank God first of all for giving me the oppportunity to have this child with such a WONDERFUL husband. Also a HUGE thank you for making this pregnancy SOOO wonderful. Other than a few hard days, it wasn't bad at all. I can only pray that the delivery goes as smoothly. As of my appt last Tues, I am a little over 1 centimeter and she is already head down. I'm not effaced at all, but hopefully thats changed over this last week. Jason hasn't been here for most of this last month, but I have been passing along all the "fun/nasty" details that have gone along with it. He will be home tomorrow and we all can't wait- he's been gone for 3 weeks! We are hoping to induce Kelson on August 14th- A day after Heartland's new single release and a day before "Papa" Kolumbus's 60th b-day. Its gonna be a memorable day.
Thank you to all my friends and family who have helped me through this and been so supportive. That really does make a difference. Kelson is going to be such a wonderful gift to us all and such a ray of sunshine.
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