Friday, January 23, 2009

All About Kelson...

Kelson has a book called "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"- its about a little mouse that wishes and wonders what stars are all about. Its really a cute book. Aunt Natasha got it for her last year. Kelson likes to point at each star and say "star". I took her outside and showed her some REAL stars lastnight. She saw a really bright one and she said "Moon"- i said no that's a star- and sadly the moon wasn't out for me to show her the difference between the two. She has a moon in her room, so she knows what it looks like and knows that its bright. As I changing her after reading the book, I started singing Twinkle Twinkle little Star to Kelson and she was in awe... she grinned from ear to ear- it was adorable. She even started singing along- I couldn't believe it- she was actually pronouncing the words.
I've been working more with Kelson on her singing. We sing a Wonder Pet's lullaby song (The WP's sing it to a baby piggy to get her to go to sleep) I thought it was a really sweet song, so I started singing it to Kelson. Course i changed some of the words to sing it to Kelson instead of a pig ;) "Rest your head Kelson, don't move or budge, just listen, imagine that your floating down a gentle stream... Dream, Dream, Dream".. so now Jason, Kelson, and I sing three part harmony on the "dream" part- its soooo sweet and cute. I can tell that she is really into music- already.
Last weekend Jason played in Mooresville at a Bar and Grill- where kids were allowed so we took Kelson with us. She had a GREAT time listening to her daddy- but she wanted to grab his guitar and his microphone. She stood right in front of them playing for a couple of songs. Then she started doing her dance- the one armed shifting side to side dance- its sooo cute. Mom said that she is so much like I used to be. Walking around saying hi, waving, singing, smiling, just happy. It was fun to have her at the show for a while. She even conned a guy out of BOTH of his birthday balloons- haha!

Now don't get me wrong its not all fun and games ... she has her impatientness (thanks to me) and her temper at times. I can't help but laugh when she does her temper tantrum cause she turns it on and off like that. When she doesn't get something her way she cries and then a few seconds later she SCREAMS and turns red- I just laugh at her now. She gets over it quick.

Kelson finally has two teeth coming in the back- mom saw em first. They are pretty purple, so i was worried, but my facebook (social page fad) mom friends assured me that was normal. She had a few restless nights and some pain, but overall she's handled it very well. So this will put Kelson at having 10 teeth at 18 months old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember buying her that book! I'm so glad she's finally able to enoy it. It's so vte she can sing to it now!What a little doll.