Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The turtle...

Well if I was in a race against the hare I would be losing. This week has not been a good movitation/workout week for me. I haven't been one time since Sat. I believe when Jason is home I don't want to leave, so although I LOVE having him home, I seem to work out much more when he is gone. I am gonna have to get strict and go no matter what and set a schedule. I have a few friends that are hitting the gym, so if I can get on their schedule I will make myself go. The first step is them asking me when to go :) Oh well- I know I'll get back on it. Bad thing is: Friday we are leaving for Mexico City Beach- I think we are ok as far as hurricanes are concerned. Joan, the lady we are going to stay with said that the weather has been great, so we are gonna take our chances and head that way. Course we will check the weather channel a few times before leaving on that 6+ hour road trip. After we return I plan on getting back into my workout routine and not turning back :) I've just had a "lazy and roid week" so I havent' felt like doing much but hanging out with the family. I have been doing laundry and house work so a few calories are getting burned ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Girl, I have seen you at the gym. If anyone knows how to royally kick some but its you. No worries, you'll get there. By Christmas, I'm going to be wearing YOUR fat clothes!