Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Whats That..?"

If you are hanging around our house at all you will hear this phrase at least a thousand times a day from Kelson. She says this ALL THE TIME!!! She'll be in a screaming frenzy then stop and points and asks "Whats That?" I guess she got it from us asking her whats that over the year and she's finally asking us now :)

Fun Facts:
The other day while I was at work, Aunt Theana (aka Aunt Toodles) was trying like heck to put Kelson down for a nap- rocking her, changed her, etc... but Kelson was not having it, so Toodles finally put her down in her bed and left the room. Kelson started screaming her head off- big crocodile tears and everything, so Lucy went in there to see what her deal was and she completely stopped crying, smiled, and pointed and said What's that??" She's so funny sometimes.

Aunt Theana is now called Aunt Toodles- for those of you who watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will be familiar with this phrase. Those of you who don't- Toodles is the little gadget that brings the Disney characters any item that they may be needing at that time. Theana is the same way- she is ALWAYS right there to grab or fetch anything that you may need. We love her for being this way and she's such a HUGE help! Love you Aunt Toodles.

Kelson LOVES the vaccum cleaner these days. Anytime we walk into the room where it is- she of course points and says "Whats That?".. she laughs when I turn it on and vaccum- she even likes to push it. I thought the loud noise would scare her, but nope. She must get that "love of cleaning" gene from her Memere ;)

Keeping Kelson Happy Rule #1: After getting her diaper changed at Memere's house, she must kiss most or all of the ceramic disney characters up on her shelf. She looks forward to doing this each time and cries if you forget. Most of the time you asking her where her disney babies are- is what keeps her still on the table and not flipping over.
She is so particular. What a Drama Queen :) hehe!

Another cute thing Kelson's been doing lately- she will hug her baby dolls. Like give them HUGE kisses and hugs (rocking back and forth)- its so the sweetest thing. Then she passes them to whomever to do the same thing.

Kelson woke up during the night lastnight and Jason had a DRAMA IN THE NIGHTmoment. hahaha! I couldn't help but CRACK UP at him. I fixed it- even in the dark- yee haw. Go me!

-We are working on signing "help"- like I'm in need of help
-Still no walking on her own, but she's getting close
-Has had more bumps/bruises in the last month than in her year of being here

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