Tuesday, August 12, 2008

DRAMA in the night...

Lastnight I put Kelson down for bed and within 40 min or so she woke back up crying, so I went in there to soothe her and after I got her back to sleep I put her back in her crib and when I went to raise up the gate it came off the track, so here I am- half asleep- in the dark- trying not to wake up Kelson and fix the crib. I wasn't sure what to do cause it was completely off the track- a wide open space. Jason wasn't home so he couldn't come help me and I was afraid to leave her alone with that open space, so all these thoughts went through my mind (keeping in mind NOT to wake Kelson up). I thought about calling Lucy/Bob to come help (but it was almost 11pm), grabbing the pack and play and setting that up, or putting her in my bed (which I NEVER get sleep when we do that). So i decided with the pack and play so I RAN to the spare room- grabbed the pack and play- and ran back- course she didn't budge, so I had to put that together- by this time I turned on her light up moon so I could at least see. So I put that together- didn't mess with sheets- just laid a few blankets down and put her in. Happily she didn't wake up at all and slept till this morning. WHEW. That was not a fun experience.. But it worked out :)

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