Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm back.....

Well i did it- I went to the gym lastnight- and Stacey didn't even come- BOO on her ;) but I did have two other friends show up that were there. I love that Body Combat class- I just have to "put on my shoes and go"- as Allison stated- thanks girl for the boost ;) I think going lastnight gave me that extra boost I've been waiting for. I have SEVERAL friends that work out there, so that will help when I'm not feeling into going- they can push me to go. I'm excited again! Yea! I weighed on the scale and it wasn't too bad either, so that was a HUGE plus for me. Its time to get serious- eating better- to the gym at least 4 days a week- and getting healthy.
I really thought about it lastnight and I think getting into a HOT halloween outfit this year will be my motivation. I have two more months, so that's a big incentive to keep pushing. A lot can happen in two months :)
My sister pushing herself so hard too- that is another motivator for me. I want to see her this Christmas and both of us look OH SO HOT ;)

Wish me luck and come join me at the gym if you feel up to it ;) hehe!


Keri Donald said...

Do you have a chart where you keep track of each workout? If not, let me know and I'll send you mine. That REALLY helps to keep me pushing myself in the right direction and I feel like I'm accomplishing something every time that I write something down. :)

Unknown said...

I new you could do it! You have the drive and the ambition to do anything you set your mind to!