Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is it fate???

As I was researching some stuff for Kelson's bday party- Wonder Pet printoffs, etc... I came across their THIS MONTH'S CONTEST and guess what it is: August is Who is the biggest Wonder Pet Super Fan???on the Nick Jr website. How appropriate is that? I'm going to get the best picture from her bday and send it in. From the looks of the competition, we should have a good chance of winning something. I hope so anyways. We have so many cute ideas for the party. Lucy even went all out and got a chicken wire cage for Ming Ming, Tank for Tuck, and a Hamster Wheel Cage for Linny. Isn't that sooo sweet. Its gonna be a PERFECT 1st bday.

By the way- I do believe Kelson's 4th word is Ming Ming :) hehe. how cute!!! I have a little video from youtube (she is looking at pics of the wonder pet cupcakes we are going to attempt to make)

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

Awesome! It almost sounds like she's saying "Mimi"! Are you sure that wasn't a picture of me? :) See... she's just like her Mommy!