Thursday, July 24, 2008

All is better...

Well yesterday Kelson seemed to be her old bubbly/drama queen self again, so I think she is finally getting over her sickness. YEA!!! I've been feeling better for a couple days now too- just stuffed up. So that's a plus too! Jason hasn't gotten it either- so that's another good thing- drinking up that Xango ;) Poor Memere (Lucy) has the crud though and is trying to kick it. We are talking about going to see Heartland's show in Knoxville tomorrow and then staying with the Mathis Family for the weekend, but with us getting over being sick, we have to see. They are taking Robbie- their eldest- to the Philadelphia hospital to see if they can fix what is wrong with him- he is still in pain. Poor thing! They wanted to have some time with us before he left to go. So we are prob gonna try to go!!! Just depends on how everyone is feeling! Don't want Robbie to get sicker. Please keep Robbie and the Mathis family in your prayers!!! We hope the hospital will be good for him and fix whatever the problem might be and give Robbie the chance to be a kid again!!!

Today is my girl Sharee's bday today!!! Happy Bday Honey!!!

1 comment:

ljkolumbus said...

So glad to hear that our princess is better (both of them) :) Please give the Mathis family our love and we will continue to keep them in our prayers. Happy B-day Sharee!