Thursday, February 28, 2008

Success on the homefront...

I tried it again lastnight -It was pretty much like the night before. I laid her down around 8:15 and she was asleep by 8:30. Cried one time and I put her pacifier back in and I never heard another word until 7:15 this morning :) What a good girl! Its so nice to be able to just put her down and not worry about her waking up after rocking her to sleep, etc. Whew! Thanks for all the advice.

Her new favorite songs are: Itsy Bitsy Spider and I'm a little tea pot (Grammy introduced that song to her while babysitting). She is sooo adorable. Of course we have some fun movements that go along with it, so she really finds it fun. I'm gonna try to get them on video and see if I can upload it. That may take some SKILL, but I will try.

Lately it sound like Kelson is saying Hi- its so cute- I'll say hi my baby and it almost sounds like she is trying to say it back. I think its her babbling, but its pretty dang close :) Still wondering what her first word will be- we should be hearing something soon! How exciting!

Well my totes arrived at work so I have to start packing today for my new location. The movers are coming in the afternoon tomorrow, so I have one more day with my group. Its gonna be kinda sad to leave them, but I know it will be a great opportunity to work on another program. Keep your fingers crossed that the new job will be as good as I think it will be.

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

That's SOO great about Kelson sleeping!!! She wouldn't be doing that if she didn't have a great Mommy to show her how though. :D Corgan still wakes up once to feed (since he's breastfeeding and all), but hopefully that won't last too much longer.