Friday, September 28, 2007

Who ordered the IUD? That would be me...

Well I got an Mirena IUD inserted the other day at my 6 week checkup, so no more babies till we are ready. Things are so advanced these days. It helps prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years. They insert it (takes a few minutes; you feel a little bit of pain and pressure)- nothing compared to what I felt 6 weeks ago :)) and there is very little side effects, no pill to take, and after a few months supposedly lighten periods and maybe even eliminate them altogether. I'm really excited about it. They usually require that you already have a child before trying this form of birth control. So anyways, I'm excited that I found something so convienent and whenever Jason and I are ready for Baby #2 all they have to do is remove it and I will be fertile right away (as if I had never taken anything). My sister is going to have this procedure done too at her 8 week checkup. As she said- we are doing the "My Mirena" dance together :)HEY MY MIRENA! A-ight! haha! Such a kidder. I told her she better hurry before baby donald 3.0 decides to arrive! haha!


Keri Donald said...

Actually planning when to have a baby? What a concept! Haha!

Unknown said...

You are too funny! I love reading the happenings of "The Alberts" - ha! Hugs to you all!