Friday, September 28, 2007

Hanging in there...

Well Poor Jason has been on the road for 10 days now and is missing his little girl like CRAZY. He wrote me a text lastnight that said that he loved us and that his heart was hurting (I wanted to cry). And that he was writing a song about it. I feel so sorry for him. I know he's enjoying his career on the road, but he misses his family too, I'm sure they all do. It has been hard not having him here- for all reasons, but mostly to enjoy Kelson. I jokingly told him that I felt like a "single mom" these days- hehe. We are both reassuring ourselves that his career will destin our futures so we have to stick it out. I continue to send him pics and videos all the time to keep him up to date with whats going on with her. I can't imagine what those women who have their husbands overseas are going through. Never being able to talk to them or even unsure if they are coming home. My heart goes out to them!!!

My sweet angel slept from 11 to 6 lastnight (7 hours) I couldn't believe it. I woke up at 3 expecting to hear a cry any minute and never did, so I fell back asleep and woke up again at 5 REALLY expecting to hear her, so I went and checked and she was sleeping so sound. Then she woke me up at 6 it was so cute and it was so satisfying to know that she slept that long. I feel like I accomplished something- hehe. Its not everyday that a 6 week old sleeps for 7 hours at a time. Thank you Jesus. hehe.

Well I'm gonna have my first night out since Kelson was born on Sat. I'm going to the Big Spring Jam to watch Los Lonely Boys- love em- and Jason Aldean. Oh- and to eat a gyro for Jason ;) I can't wait to hang out with my friends and have some "me" time. Memere Lucy has been on travel all week so she is excited about babysitting Kelson.

My first week back to work is almost over. It really wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I did miss my little girl, but it went by pretty quick and I never had to worry about Kelson. Jason's aunts and mom were AWESOME babysitters this week. I can't thank them enough. Not only did Kelson have a great time, but they fed me too, and watched EERS for a little bit. Gotta love family. Oh- and dad gave me a footrub one night- yee haw! I think I've finally got our routine down.

PS- I posted some more pics if you wanna check them out.


Keri Donald said...

7 hours!?! You are one lucky momma!

Unknown said...

What a blessing you are to hve such a speicial child.