Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back to working 9 to 5 next Monday

Well ok- so its more like 8 to 4, but it fit the title better :) I start back at work next Monday- I can't believe 6 weeks has flown by so fast. I can only imagine how fast time is going to go now... I feel GREAT- I really have since about the first week. Thanks to God's healing touch and Xango :)
I've got some babysitters lined up for when I go back: Lucy is going to work from home two days a week, My mom, Aline, Jeannette, and Jason when he is home. I HATE the fact that I can't be here with her every moment, but I guess that's life. I couldn't see putting her into a daycare with so much family around, so well try it out and see how it works out.
I tried to do the "leave her alone and let her cry" ordeal lastnight and that didn't work AT ALL. I let her cry for 20 min and she still never let up till I picked her up and rocked her. It was SO hard to do and It didn't seem to help.
Since I am going back to work soon and will need some rest, I really really would love your advice on how to get her on a schedule and sleeping better at night. It just might help. Thanks all.


The Lobes Family said...

Kelly - wow - going back at 6 weeks. Keep your chin up - it's only hard the first few days - it gets better after taht. :)
I can talk to you about schedules. E was sleeping pretty consistenly through the night (10 - 6) by about 8 weeks. Now she's doing the 8 - 6 deal. Mommy is sleeping well too so everyone is happy.
Call me if you want to chat - or send me an email.

Keri Donald said...

From what I remember reading and hearing when researching sleep with Annabelle, "cry it out" isn't a good idea until around 6 months. They don't understand until then.

I haven't read it, but I've heard that "On Becoming Babywise" (the sleep version of the series) is a good book for helping to establish a schedule.

My guess is that getting her on an eating schedule is the first step. Having a regular bedtime yourself will probably help to set a more regular nighttime feeding schedule for her. Even if it's just trying to get the initial feeding of the night set near the same time every night, I bet that'll go a long way. Plus, the older she gets, the easier that'll be to do. It's amazing what a difference even a week makes at this age.