Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Rock a Bye Kelson

Kelson is doing SO great at night. Sunday night grammy and papa were over visiting and mom was getting some quality time with her grandaughter and laid her down (after swaddling and rocking) around 9:30pm and she didn't wake up again till 3am. Course I woke up on my own twice and checked on her to make sure she was still breathing. I had to laugh to myself- as I have read that so many mothers do that. When she wakes up now, its diaper change, feeding, burping, and back to feeding. Its a pretty set pattern now and she falls back to sleep within an hour. After she was fed she slept from 4am to 7:30am. Lastnight she had pretty much the same schedule. So I think we are getting the hang of things. I'm still breastfeeding and its going WONDERFUL. She is latching on so well and has no problem with taking a bottle either from anyone. Her "pacifier" is starting to be a big hit too.

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