Monday, February 27, 2012

Month 3- spitting and snuggling

This month Janson has really been spitting up a lot. We've tried several different formulas to meet his needs, but none seem to stop the spitting up. That's how we say he says hi to new folks- by soaking them- LOL! Poor guy. We started supplementing some oatmeal/rice to his milk to see if that would help make it thicker and stay down easier. Well first off we tried this because he was still hungry after 7oz of milk. He is taking to EATING very well, but still having spit up issues. The pediatrician says its normal, so I'm gonna gonna be concerned, just be sure to have plenty of bibs, hand towels, and detergent.
JAnson is quite the flirt and snuggler. He doesn't mind going to anyone and will usually smile to anyone as well. He is so happy most of the time and is such a joy to watch. His eyes are still super blue, so fingers crossed they will stay that way. He seems to be growing so much. We spent some time down in FL with the family and Juliet, whose 8 months now, is about the same size as our little guy. Its nuts. He has Jason's small eyes when he smiles.

He has a very sesitive stomach, so we've been giving him sensitive forumla. He LOVES to snuggle when its time for a nap, he loves attention, smiles almost all of the time, and loves his bathtime just like sister. He has a lot of the same similarities Kelson had at that age- drooling, chewing on hand, etc.. thank goodness I had a blog to remember it all.

I started working with him on "More, Milk, and Fan" signs. I know he's early, but wha the heck ;) It's so neat having a little boy around- especially one with so much personality.

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