Friday, June 26, 2009

Kelson Ketchup... 22 months old

Last week my little girl both Pee'd and Poo'd in her potty :) I can't believe it. I think she is starting to understand the whole "potty business" :) and she's only 22 months old :) That's my girl. Everytime I get on the toilet I do the sign for "potty" and tell her that I'm using the bathroom so she understands. The other day I bought her a froggy potty from Target and she loves it. She tells me that she wants to go sit on the froggy- ribbit ribbit. She is so freaking smart. She def hasn't mastered pottying yet, but I think she is starting to understand it. When I get her up from her nap or after getting out of the pool I ask her if she wants to go potty in the frog and she says Yes. I turn on the faucet (to stimulate peeing), but it hasn't seemed to work. When she finally did pee I think it scared her cause it splashed up and it was warm. lol. She has tried to put some of her toys in the potty while she's sitting there, so I had to explain that was a big no no.

Bottle and pacifier STOPPAGE is the next step- I'm not looking forward to that at all. I think her pacifier (aka Pap Pap) is going to be the hardest to whean her off of, but I know I have to do it.

Kelson is starting to sing along with songs- and can hold a tune ;)- imagine that. She loves her "Beach Party" Mickey Mouse Sing-A-Long DVD. One part has Ariel singing and she follows along- its adorable. She sings the Wonder Pets theme song too. I guess the singing runs in the family :)

If Kelson could be something I think she would want to be a mermaid. That child LOVES the water. We've taken her to the pool a few times and all she wants to do is swim by herself. She is so stubborn and independent. Mom said that I was a water bug like she is, so I guess that's where the love of water comes from. Plus she isn't scared. She jumped off the diving board at our friend's house last weekend. Nuts huh? She kept wanting to do it over and over. She had floaties on, but she loves just floating and being on her own. Everyone says that she is the cutest and most outgoing little girl. She still gets lots of attention and people are amazed at how advanced she is. She already knows several shapes and colors. She is already at a pre-school/kindergarten level - according to some of my school teacher friends ;) She loves to be challenged too. Every book we read or figure we play with she wants me to ask her who it is, etc... Her new phrase is "That right there"- she will point at something and say- What's that? That right there and point at it. Its so cute.

Also, she has picked up on my saying "Oh crap"... oops. One night her and I were watching Dumbo and I couldn't get the remote to work so I was saying "Oh crap" a few times-- it was pretty frustrating. Well a few nights later I asked her if she wanted to watch Dumbo and she said "Oh crap"- hahahaha. Oops. Also she says it now when she drops something - like she understands why people say it.

AND... a week or so ago I asked her one night if she wanted me to rub her butt while she fell asleep and she said Yes... so the last few times I laid her in bed- she said- rub butt- and I stopped to rub her back and she looked up at me- almost asleep-and says rub butt. haha. She is something else. I like it when Jason rubs my butt when I go to sleep too- like mother like daughter ;)

The Mathis family has been in town the last week and we've had such a wonderful time hanging out with them. Kelson and Izzy have had so much fun together. Kelson really loves Izzy and the boys. She likes having them around. I'm sure she will be sad when they leave tomorrow. She's had a little playmate for 5 days. Poor thing. She's been calling her Annabelle and then says No...Corgan... No... and then says Whose that right there? haha. I tell her Izzy and then she remembers her name again. Its so cute. I've been working hard on Kelson to be a "good and manageable" child- like the Mathis kids- so I've been asking for advice while they are here. Apparently Jason and I are doing very well with her. That's good to know :)

Kelson was a flower girl in Adrienne and Tim's wedding- she did so good and was adorable. She would stop and throw down a flower (like a softball) and then keep walking, stop, and do the same thing. It was adorable and she did great. I was so proud of my little girl.

Well its about time to start planning Kelson's 2nd Bday party :( OMG- where has time gone... I can't believe she's gonna be two soon. But we have lots of fun things coming up- Kelson's bday, the beach, Disney trip, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Kyle's wedding, and Christmas. Yee haw! I can't wait. More memories.

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