Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yea Team Biggest Loser

I'm happy to report that EVERYONE that is in the competition (11 girls and 6 guys) have lost weight. We are in week 4 and Jason and I have both lost around 10lbs/each and some body fat :) I haven't started working out like I want/need to, but I have started, so that's the first step. I don't have a workout buddy this time, so its just to me to go. I actually kinda enjoy going alone so I can do my own workout plan and spend more time on the things I want to. I haven't done any of the classes yet, but I think starting next week I will. Just to mix it up a bit. I'm pretty much doing 45 min of cardio, 3 sets of 15 reps of free weights (10 lb weight), push ups- my new addition, and 3 sets of 15 sit ups on the exercise ball. I can defintily tell that my body is getting leaner... its so exciting. I still have about 20 more lbs to go, but I really feel by my 30th bday that I will be close to where I want to be!!! YEA!!! These girls have really motivated me to stick with it and try harder this time. Having Jason and his mom and sister doing the dieting has REALLY helped out too. Jason and I did have a splurge day on Super Bowl day- we have a covered dish and there was SOOO much yummy food. Although we ate what we want- we really couldn't eat too much cause we got full faster.
I haven't gotten any compliments on my weight loss so far, but its ok, that pushes me that much harder to lose....

Anyways, just wanted to give you guys an update... I'm really excited that I feel like this is going to be a successful competition. Jason and I want that money!!! :)


Unknown said...

Kelly, its February 17th and I could really tell over the weekend that you have lost weight! Your looking fabulous.

Stacey Morgan Smith said...

Just so you know, we are going to win! Looking good though! Can't wait till your birthday! I need to start working out, but I have been sick this week an I had planned on starting, but darn it! Anyway. Love you! Keep it up! Eat a donut! ;)