Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why can't money grow on trees???

We have been asked/invited to do SO many wonderful things in the next year and we just can't afford to do it all :( Ex's: Chris Hipp's bday in Sept in Vegas, Staying at the Christmas Inn in G'burg with the Mathis family in October, NY during Christmas time, Europe cruise next year for my 30th bday, Disney cruise in 2010, etc.. There is SO much we want to do, but know that we cannot afford to do it. I wish each tax paying person was given a LARGE amount of money- like $10K- to do whatever they wished with it- whether it be go on a trip, pay off bills, donate to charity, or whatever else one would want to do with it. I believe that this would help boost our self-confidence and self-esteem as a country.
I know they sent out stimulus checks (WHICH WE STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN!!) I'm sooo upset about that. We really could use that money right now, and the gov is taking their sweet time sending ours out and I can't find a status online. I guess I'm gonna have to call to see what happened to ours. Each day I hope to open up that check! We should have recieved ours back in May. SS's 01 and 04. When they want their money they get to charge fees and give you a bad credit report, but when we are ready for our money from them- we just have to be patient :( Poopie!!! Anyways, I'm done venting now. hehe. I just wish we could win the lottery (cliche) so we could do whatever we wanted- now that would be the life :) Don't worry I would share the wealth ;) Whats more fun that having friends/family to celebrate it with!!!


Louise said...

So true. I wish money grew on trees. I have several in my yard. They say money does not buy happiness, but I would like to try. I think I could do a lot with it. Like helping my family and friends.
But you know there are always people that are worse off then we are. We need to be thankful for what we do have.
Love Aunt Weeza

ljkolumbus said...

better call the IRS everyone I know has gotten their's. Also, in your list of things to do this next year.. don't forget your brother's wedding Nov 09 in Mobile!

Keri Donald said...

Definitely check with the IRS. It does seem like you should have it by now!