Monday, July 21, 2008

Sicky Sicky

Well not only does Kelson have a cold but now I do. They said that more than likely the adults would get a head cold (due to the croup), and sure enough I got it. It really hasn't been that bad, but trying to take care of someone sick and being sick is NOT FUN. I took today off work to recover (since Jason is here to help us both), so Kelson is doing better today too. We had two nights of up and down (due to lots of snot in her nose). Its so hard to get all of it out since they can't blow :( She hates tissues and the nasal aspirator thingy. Those are not her fav things right now. She seems to be doing better today- although she still has a bad cough. Jason, Kelson, and I went to dinner lastnight at Mac Grille and she did VERY well- although I realized I couldn't taste a thing I was eating, so I just stopped- no need in wasting calories if you can't savor them. Speaking of being sick- I haven't been able to work out at all due to the sickness at the Albert house :( I wanted to really kick it up and lose about 5 more lbs before our competition ends, but I couldn't really control the past week's sickness. Jason came home late Sat night and so far isn't sick- so let's hope he doesn't!!!!! Anyways, just wanted to update everyone.

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