Friday, June 6, 2008

She's got the beat

We recently busted out Kelson's BEE BOP BAND toy that Aunt Keri got for Kelson before she was born. Since both Jason and I love music, I guess she had a hinch that she would too ;) The suggested age is 18+ months, but I think Kelson is ready for it. Jason showed her a few times how to hold the sticks and beat on the drum. She did it so well and has so much fun dancing to music now. Here's a little video of her playing her bee bop band drum. The sound is screwed up for some reason, but you can still see her playing :)
Kelson on the drums
Lastnight she was watching TV and a song was on and she was dancing like crazy (I was holding her hands and she was just dancing away- I would stop and she would start crying- I held her up again and she was happy again and dancing). Stubborn and funny girl. Lately she's been playing the "suckin the thumb" game. She will act like she's gonna suck her thumb and give you a look to see if you are watching. Its really funny and we are definitely trying to break her from ever wanting to suck her thumb. I think its more a game to her. When she does it she smiles- its more like she's biting on it- and then we say No No Kelson and she just keeps smiling. What a girl! haha!

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