Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ratatouille moved in...

Well lastnight I was heading to bed and I happened to notice out of the corner of my eye something moving underneath the fridge in the kitchen. Of course I screamed and jumped up on the dining room chair- haha- what a sissy I know. When I did that I peeked over and it was indeed a little mouse- he came back out and it was like he was trying to find a way out. Although I HATE rodents he was so freaking cute. I've seen that Ratatouille movie one too many times. I was scared to death so I texted Jason (he was at his mom's watching a movie) telling him to come save me- haha! Kelson was in bed- thank goodness. Never got a hold of him so I called Lucy and she sent Brady and Jason up to help me. Jason was laughing at me for being up on the chair. Since Jason and I are both such loveable people we don't want to kill anything so we set the "hotel" trap for the mouse. Its a contraption that traps it so it doesn't harm it or kill it. A few years back we had a BAD case of the mice- we ended up catching like 14 in a month- it was AWFUL. So I'm having flashbacks of that happening again. So anyways, we set the hotel trap and went to bed and this morning he was gone from the place we last saw him and he WASN'T in the trap- :-0 So anyways, Jason said that he left the door cracked lastnight so he could get out if he wanted to since he was near the door. I said OH NICE- so he went and got all his friends and now they are gonna have a beach party! So... instead of one ratatouille we may end up with a lot of them!!! EEEEWWW! Please pray that we find him and its only the one. Anyone got any suggestions on how to get the mouse? I don't want to kill it, but I don't want it in our house either! EEEWWWW!!! Now if I come home today and he is on Jason's shoulders cooking and throwing in ingredients- I'm calling for help!!! hehe!

1 comment:

Keri Donald said...

Get a cat! :) You can borrow Cosmo if you want. Think they'll let him get on the plane with you? :)