Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blogger Weigh Ins... 2nd week...

We actually didn't start till April 30th, so today is the 2nd week of our weigh in's! I hope everyone is doing a GREAT job! I can't wait to hear the comments for this week. I weighed lastnight, but I'm going to weigh again today for my FINAL result for this week. I hadn't lost much, but I lost some body fat % so that's a plus- esp since I've been busting it at the gym. I took the Body Combat class lastnight and it was a GREAT calorie burner class and I'm actually sore today. I suggest that class to all. Its funner than the treadmill or elliptical. Time flew by too. I LOVE Rocky Balboa, so this is right up my alley ;) Well girls- LET'S HEAR IT???

Kelly Albert
Theana Albert
Lucy Albert
Keri Burry
Claire Lesinski
Natasha Broomfield- STILL NEED MONEY
Aline Childers- STILL NEED MONEY
Sarah Brown
Kari Brake
Kate White
Evelyn Kilgore
Stacey Smith

This week's challenge: Drink as much water (half of your body weight) EVERY DAY!
Ex: 180 lb girl will drink 90 oz water a day! GO FOR IT- you can do it!

I started to get discouraged due to the fact that I was SLOWLY losing weight and then I read these tips and felt better, so I wanted to help re-assure your dieting/exercising progress as well:

1) Weighing yourself first thing in the morning is usually best. Because of variations in food and fluid consumption, we often “gain” different amounts of weight throughout the day.
2) If you're weighing frequently, remember that daily fluctuations in weight are common. Just because you're heavier today than yesterday doesn't mean your weight control program isn't working. Don't become a slave to the numbers.
3) Monthly variations in weight are also common in menstruating women.
4) “Plateaus” in weight loss aren't necessarily bad. If you're exercising a lot, your weight may remain constant for a time even though you're still decreasing your body fat content and getting healthier.
5) Finally, cues other than the numbers on the scale are equally important. How do you feel? Are your clothes getting looser or tighter? Do you feel stronger, healthier, leaner? Your own perceptions can be the most valuable tools to help you track your weight control progress.


Charlie said...

And the leader is.............??????

Kate White said...

Sorry I did not post last week - we were on vacation with no computer (or scale) access. I started out week 1 great, then came the vacation. After 2 weeks, I am down 1.5 pounds. Not great, but considering vacation, not too bad either. Back home, back on track!!!!!

Rosborne said...

Hey girl! Just caught up on some of your blogs! You've been a busy blogger lately...I stink at my blog - I need to try to make more time! I read all about your anniversary trip. Sounds like you guys had a fabulous time! That was hilarious about the Dixie Stampede and Jason getting picked to participate! I told you that place was fun! Oh and you had Pancake Pantry too with no line??? That NEVER happens!!!! Anyways, just wanted to say hi and have fun on your trip to Florida. We need to meet for dinner one night when you get back. Lunch is pretty much out of the question for me nowadays!!! If nothing else, I could always come hang with you and Kelson and we could use our master chef cooking skills again!!! Talk to you soon - LOVE YA!

Louise said...

Down another 3 pounds for a total of BIG 7. Look out girls. CLAIRE- IM PAYING MY MONEY TONIGHT!!!! KELLY's GOT THE CHECK!!!

Stacey Morgan Smith said...

I am down 4.5 pounds this week! AND 1% down in body fat! YAY! I am so excited! I cannot wait til I am buff! you guys should check out my weight loss blog! i have posted photos and measurements for the world to see! I know....brave. But I am just putting it all out there! The link is Come by and check it out! Post comments!

evelyn said...

I am down another 3.5- that's 5 total!!! Have a great week!

Sarah Lena said...

Only 2 lbs this week. But I'm just now getting to the gym, so there's hope for next week!

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!!

Kelly Albert said...

Well I am down one lb, but I'm still not at my starting weight- dang VACATION ;) only .5 lb away. I'm headed to FL, but I plan on still watching what I eat and exercising with my sister. Great job everyone! Keep it up!

Lucy Albert said...

WOW things are going great for me - Louise and I are constantly encouraging and watching out for each other - as of last night I think I have lost 8 pounds. Still haven't added excercise - but I am drinking lots of water and I have certainly cut back on my intake of food......this is great and I am so encouraged. Just watching the ones around me loosing is wonderful.

Stacey Morgan Smith said...


Charlie said...

Congratulations to you all -- and you were all missed last night at Hooters --- the band was good and Jason did sing one song !!!!!

Kelly - hope (and know) you and kelson are enjoying your trip !!

Kelly Albert said...
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Anonymous said...

I lost 3 lbs this week. Look out girls I'm gonna win the money!