Monday, April 28, 2008

Biggest Loser Blogger Competition Begins... April 28th!

Ok girls its time! I hope you've already started eating better and drinking your water :) I know everyone is anxious to get started!

Each Wednesday (starting May 7th) I want you to sign into my blog at and write down your total weight loss so far, inches (if you are tracking them), and any hints or cool things that may have happened (ex: I lost a dress size, someone told me I looked like I was losing weight, I took a class at the gym and its been years, etc…) something cool or exciting! I don't require that you write how much your starting weight is on the comment section. Please weigh in on your own (or meet up with us Wed) and well track it that way. I just think its easier to all be together, then we can do it again at the LAST weigh in so the machine is accurate. If you want to weigh in and measure yourself then please do and send those numbers to me VIA e-mail, not on my blog this week. Also please take a before pic of yourself (in some tight fitting clothes- preferably workout clothes) so we can do some before and after pics! I will have my camera with me on Wed, so if you don't have time- I can take care of doing that too.

IMPORTANT: Wednesday I plan all of us who are local to meet up at Lady Riveria at 5pm- I want to get a weigh in, measurements, and before pictures. I will get permission for those non-Lady Riveria gym members to come weigh in.

I need your $30, so please send me the money this week so I know you are serious about starting this competition.

Good luck and talk to you soon!

PS- if you find any good recipes, tips, or workouts- please share those with the others on my blog (comment section)!
PSS- Make sure you have access to my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've added you all on my permissions tab!!!!
