Friday, March 21, 2008

Kelson's First Word...

DADA!!!! :0) Jason is VERY proud.
Yesterday while Kelson, Jason, and I were down at Memere's house (I was uploading new songs to my ipod, Jason was in the kitchen helping decide on dinner with Jeannette, and Kelson was in her bouncy bounce) we were all doing our thing and Kelson was doing her normal GRRRRRRAAAAA- that she likes to do. Its like a growl from a dinosaur or something. She has been doing this for the last week or so. But this time she was saying Dadaaaaaa daadddaaaaa.. we all stopped what we were doing all turned to look at her- we all started laughing and she continued doing it. It was sooo precious. I went into the livingroom and said- are you saying dada? What happened to mama? (joking with her of course) and she just smiled and growled and said daddddaaaa again. It was precious. I'm so excited that she is finally starting to use words. Although she has NO IDEA what it means, well I don't think so at least, its cute to hear her say it. I've always heard that's usually the first word to come out. So at 7 months and 1 week old- she has said her first word.
This morning as I was getting ready for work and Jason was in the shower, Kelson was entertaining herself and just finished her bottle and started saying Daddaddd again, so i grabbed my cell phone and managed to capture her. She's so smart.
The signing hasn't really picked up much, but we are constantly doing it. Maybe in a month or so she will be saying a few words and signing back to us :)
Enjoy the video...COMMENT IF YOU'D LIKE :)
Kelson's first word

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I new my neice was as smart as a whip! Way to go Kelson! I love you, Aunt Natasha Happy Easter!