Thursday, January 24, 2008

Here's your sign...

Well I started teaching Kelson how to sign about 2 weeks ago and although she hasn't "signed" back yet, I thinks he is getting the concept. I'm teaching the signs to her babysitters too so she can work with her so everyone is consistent and she is seeing it daily. The "signing" book recommends that I teach her a min of 6 and a max of 12, so right now I'm teaching her: Milk, More, Eat, Puppy, Fan, Light, Bathtime, Mom, Dad, and Bedtime. One mom in the book started teaching her daughter at 6 months old and by 8 months she knew 10 signs! That's amazing that a child can talk to you without even being able to verbally speak. I really wanted to start this with Kelson because my sister taught Annabelle and I was so amazed how much she could communicate to Keri. One time I was watching Belle when she was 8 months or so and she was signing to me and I didn't know them so I couldn't tell what she was telling me. Who felt like the stupid one there? lol! Some people say that signing slows down their speech progress, but thats not true. You have to work on teaching them both. Annabelle speaks VERY WELL for her age and still does a few signs when talking.

When I was feeding Kelson applesauce the other day I could have SWORN she was trying to do the "more" sign, but I think it may have been her just playing with her hands? Who knows. I want to believe she is already catching on, but Jason and I are working with her everyday. Just have to be patient- like anything else.


Unknown said...

This TOTALLY works! One of the toddler boys in my school has been learning since he was a baby. He's 18 months now so he's definitely talking too but he knows all those words like, eat, more, done, play, hello, bye, kiss, hug, etc. It's adorable and we always know what he needs if he can't say it yet :-) And yes, I too felt like the dumb one when I started working there and he was looking at me like, "LADY, I'm trying to tell you something here!!!!!" It was hilarious! Keep on Mama!

Keri Donald said...

Good girl! You're a step ahead of me. I need to get in the habit of doing that with Corgan. I wonder if Belle will talk to them and/or understand them when they start signing.

Unknown said...

This is awesome. I saw you do it at my house this weekend with the fan sign and she definitely was paying attention to what you were saying! Keep teaching her Aunt and I'll work with her every other weekend or so! I was just glad that she seemed to recognize me! Amazing for 5 1/2 months. I want pictures of her in all of her new outfits!