Monday, January 14, 2008

Bananas for the Minkey...

For those of you who don't know Minkey is Kelson. This is her daddy and Bobfather's nickname for her. They are HUGE Prof Cluso(from the old Pink Panther movies). If you've seen the movie and know his accent, you'll understand. He's actually saying Monkey, but because of his accent it sounds like Minkey. Jason gave her this nickname initially because she was grabbing stuff with her toes like a monkey. Anyways, so Kelson had her first taste of "real" food today. I put her in the bumbo and tried to feed her the bananas- she seemed to really enjoy it but then after a few min she was done. So I was kinda sad cause I was anxious for her to try something that actually had some flavor to it. So I went and changed her diaper, cleaned out her nose, and put her i the bouncy seat and tried again. She did WONDERFUL. Ate the whole jar. I didn't give her another jar for dinner cause I didn't want to overdo it. All dr's suggest that you feed them the same fruit or veggies for a few days to make sure they aren't allergic to it or it hurts their tummy. She was in a great mood all day and woke up that way again this morning, so we are gonna give her some more bananas today. I'm anxious to see if she reacts the same. I think she likes eating in her bouncy seat instead of the bumbo (more comfortable for her).

1 comment:

Tim B said...

I'm glad you and little Kelson are doing well. Brother Timbo would like to see her sometime.