Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Kelson's 2 month appt

Well Kelson is 9 weeks today, but we are just now going for her two month old shots. I am SOOO not looking forward to it. I know how hard it can be to hear her cry when she's hungry, needs changing, etc.., so knowing that she is will be in pain and I have to sit there and watch it (more than once) is gonna be really hard. All i remember and keep telling myself is that EVERYONE had to go through it and NOONE remembers it as a newborn, so that is keeping me sane about going to this appt. With that being said- the pediatrician, Dr. Zbell, offered to pierce Kelson's ears too, so we are gonna do that as well. MIGHT AS WELL GET IT ALL DONE AT ONCE. I'm really excited about getting that done. I always said I would do that if and when I had a little girl. Unfortunatly Jason isn't in town so Lucy (Memere) and Linda(Grammy)are gonna go with me to the appt. There's no way I could go alone! I'll let ya know how we do tomorrow. I am anxious to see how much she weighs now and how long she has gotten. She has seem to really grow in the last couple of weeks. I'm gonna get video and pictures. Wish us luck!

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