Thursday, July 14, 2011

Those Darn Kids

Kelson has been coming up with some rather funny quotes/sayings lately, so I thought I would just include them in my blog.

With all the construction we have going on around the house, I'm not surprised this one came out of her mouth, but it was just too funny not to capture. Her and I were hanging out in the livingroom and she points to one of the walls and says, "Mommy, we need to knock this wall out and put in a bathroom". LOL! I just busted our laughing. She has inherited the "albert" genes for sure.

The next thing was were having a horrible storm coming through so she was sleeping in our bed between Jason and I. She said I'm really scared of the storms, I said Baby its ok, we are here, so she said, "Well maybe if you scratch my back I will feel better" :) LOL! She's soooo my daughter- LOL! She also uses ice cream as a way to ease any pain or make things better.

Little Janson has been moving around sooo much lately- its crazy what a difference one week makes. I've even seen him moving around already so he's a pretty strong boy already for 23 weeks old in the womb. I've been feeling good, no more problems, actually starting to try and do more instead of just laying around so I think that's helped some.

Kelson and I are heading to Florida the first week of August to visit Keri and kids, hopefully Kyle, and mom and dad. We are SUPER excited since there are so many cool things we plan to do: See Juliet for the first time, celebrate Keri, Kelson, Papa, and Corgan's bdays, go to Chuck E Cheese, go to the 4D appointment to see Janson, swim at Gigi and Papa's house, and take some family pics. That's all in 3 days! :) LOL!

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