Thursday, April 8, 2010

Kelson the little gymnast and swimmer

I recently signed Kelson up at another local gymnastics place called "The Little Gym". Its in a really ritsy part of town so I knew it would be better and more focused than at Tumblebeez. Kelson and I went to a trial class and LOVED it. They were more focused on the kids, had so much to do, played with balls, bubbles (Kelson's fav), and it was a very safe enviornment. Kelson had a blast- a girlfriend of mine was there with her little girl Emerson who is very close to Kelson's age, so they got along great. Emerson even warmed up to me :) It was really fun. So needless to say I signed her up and just signed her up for the summer classes too. Its a little on the expensive side, but its worth it. Overall its about $15/class- once a week for 45 min. Kelson's favorite thing to do is the uneven bars. She said she is a monkey.
On Sundays we started swimming lessons at the UAH Fitness Center. We go with one of my bunco friends and her little girl. Brigid is 8 months old, so the beginners class is wonderful for her. Kelson already loved being in the water and was not afraid so she is on the advanced side. Once Kelson turns 3 we are gonna move her up to the teacher taught class. The beginners one is parent-child. Which I LOVE! Kelson is quite the little swimmer and doesn't mind getting wet at all. Papa and Gigi got to join us last week while they were visiting from FL.
I was going to sign Kelson up for musical classes too (since she obviously has a talent there), but they don't start teaching piano till they are 4. So we will prob wait another year for that, but continue the other two activities.

We are going on a disney cruise through Europe in less than a month. I can't wait! It feels like forever ago we booked that cruise, and its finally here! Upon our return Jason and I talked about trying for another baby :) So I guess that will happen soon too. I was hoping to lose about 20 more lbs, but I don't see that happening- lol! I'll try to blog about our trip- I can't wait!!! What a neat experience this is going to be.

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