Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ready, Set, Show off...

Kelson is catching on to signing SOOOO quickly now I just can't believe it. When we are trying to show her off, we can't remember all the ones that she knows, but I continue to teach her more everyday. It literally takes Kelson two times to learn a sign now-as long as you do it consistently.We've added tree, music, and elephant to our "signing" list.

I've started singing "La la la" and she copies me, well sorta, but she carries a tune- pretty good for a 13 month old. Also- I'm gonna get it on camera but Kelson does this insane grunting look when we ask her what a sheep does. I think its because if you try to say ba ba- you look kinda like your grunting, so that's her sheep impression. Its hilarious. I'll get it on video and upload it.

She is talking up a storm too. She knows lots of words. Some of them are hard to make out, so its hard to say exactly what she is saying to us.

OH- and did I mention that she is walking now?!? It started a week or so ago. What a girl!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's really walking? Way to go Kelson!