Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Put that in your blender and make a sweat smoothie!!!

HAHA- this is Stacey and my's new saying after making it through the class at the gym lastnight. We ATTEMPTED to do the Body Attack class- we were sweating like crazy. It really did ATTACK us, but we managed to stick it out and finish the class. According to Stacey's calorie burner ticker we lost over 800 cal in that one hour of class. It was very high intensity. My dang calves are so sore today. At least I know it worked. I want to encourage the other bloggers out there to do classes at the gym- not just the treadmill or elliptical. It makes working out more exciting! I hope to attend classes 2-3 times a week from now on. I'm trying to convince some of the Biggest Loser Bloggers to join Riveria!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Stacey and I have some other plans after our POST weight loss- don't we Stacey? ;) hehe! Yall are gonna crack up at us, but we really think this is something we can do! Tell ya later ;)


Stacey Morgan Smith said...
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Stacey Morgan Smith said...

Okay, since kelly hasn't posted a blog today for the contest I will just comment under this one! I have done really well this week! I did 5 workouts last week and I am going for 6 this week! I am taking body attack on Sat. morning at 8:00! You guys should come! As for progresss this week I have lost another 1.5 pounds (8.5 total) and a total of 2% body fat! YAY ME!