Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The "Young" Talent out there...

I was forwarded this youtube video from a friend of mine and I was amazed at how well this little 6 year old girl could sing. It was so cute. All I could think about was our little Kelson in her future toddler years. Nanny exposed Jason to music and singing at a really young age and same with my parents with me. I've heard some old tapes of Jason singing at 3 and its precious. My parents kept tapes of my sister and I singing too- it so awesome to have that memory to listen back to.
Hearing this little girl makes my heart melt and gets me so excited to start with Kelson (after she starts talking-of course)lol! I truely believe that Kelson will have a passion for music and enjoy bringing smiles and entertaining on stage as much as her dad and I do.

6 year old singer

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Boy that is a really good one --