Tuesday, December 18, 2007

4 Month Old Kelson

Well another day of shots for my little angel. This time was ever harder cause she knows more of whats going on around here. It's so hard to see them go through that, but you know its for the best. Jason and I both teared up when she started screaming. The nurse did really well again and did them quick. I grabbed her as soon and she was done and she quit crying and just breathed in and out. So pitiful. Anyways, she is now 25 1/2 inches long (75%)- went up 3 inches since her 2 month appt and she weighs 12 lbs 15oz (45)- went up 2lbs and 1 oz from last appt. Her eyes are still blue and getting bluer each day- hope she gets my eyes! Its looking that way. She is drooling a bunch and always sucking on her hand (she can pretty much get her whole fist in her mouth- gets that from her Aunt Keri) Lol! She said that she may cut a tooth real soon, but most babies drool a month or two before teeth ever come in. I asked her pediatrician what she suggested about a formula- the enfamil seems to make Kelson cramp up so bad, so she suggested the Similac Sensitive - lactose free- formula. She gave us a few samples and she seems to be doing better. Course its hard to tell cause she is still sore and uneasy from the shots. Let's hope it does make things easier for her- its hard to have her upset like that after feeding. Also, I asked her if brand name formula was any different from the generic and she said ABSOLUTELY NOT, so I am excited to hear that. The parents choice is half the price of the brand name.
Jason is home now- after a couple long days in the studio- we are so excited and can't wait to have some quality time together. Merry Christmas Everyone! Love you all.


Unknown said...

Happy Holidays to you and your beautiful family!

ps. I'm reading your blog so keep it up girl :-)

Unknown said...

Hey girl,
I am just now getting around to reading your blog. I wanted to comment on this one because I ALWAYS used generic formula (Parent's Choice Soy) Once I ran out of all the free samples of the name brand stuff I went to Parent's Choice. You know how cheap I am. I told Jessica about it, and now she uses the generic too. Do you feed Kelson cereal? If you do, good. If not you should try to esp. at night. I think I got you a cereal feeder bottle for your shower if not you can get one at Wallyworld. Mix a little banana's in with it and feed it to her before her night time bottle, she'll sleep like an angel. You can also use Pear's.
Luv you,